Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New Moon

(You know he totally farted on him and said "she's mine")

Title: New Moon

Year Of Release: 2009

Review Date: June 30, 2010

Rating: PG-13

Running time: 130 minutes

Box Office Gross: $709,711, 008

Site Rating: 2 out of 10 stars

"Bella" and "Edward Cullen"

"New Moon" is the second installment of the "Twilight" film series and the creepiest and darkest to date. It is a point of concern that the film's audience is mostly teenagers and they are being subjected to such dark, occult themes.

At least his weave is better than Britney's

The lead character "Bella" (Kristen Stewart) is more confused than ever in this film. First she falls in love with a vampire, Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) in the debut film Twilight, then a werewolf, Jacob (Taylor Lautner), in the second picture.

Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner

Is this chick insane. Is there no one normal in that town she can go out with on a date. Really, even a dating site would bring up something better than this.


Title: Twilight

Year Of Release: 2008

Review Date: June 30, 2010

Rating: PG-13

Running time: 121 minutes

Box Office Gross: $408,773,703

Site Rating: 2 out of 10 stars

The "Twilight" film series follows the exploits of vampire, Edward Cullen, played by Robert Pattinson and the object of his on and off screen affection, Kristen Stewart, who stars as "Bella."

"Bella" and "Edward Cullen"

The pasty Cullen, who because he is a vampire, is almost translucent to the point he makes Anglo-Saxon Brits look dark-skinned (I'm just teasing, you know I love you Britain), is hundreds of years old and masquerading as a 17-year-old high school student in Washington state, on the West Coast of America. He fights his feelings for human, Bella, but decides to date her anyway, which leads to trouble for them.

Robert Pattinson and girlfriend Kristen Stewart

The only part of this movie that was remotely interesting is the baseball game, due to its special effects. Outside of that, the film is very gloomy and filled with occult themes not suitable for its core audience, preteens and teens. The lead actors seem like nice people, but this movie is not recommended.

Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince

Title: Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince

Year Of Release: 2009

Review Date: June 30, 2010

Rating: PG-13

Running time: 153 minutes

Box Office Gross: $933,959,197

Site Rating: 2 out of 10 stars

"Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince" is the six movie in the film series that sprang from the dark mind of J.K. Rowling, whose works a judge once labeled "Gibberish." Harry Potter, played by Daniel Radcliffe, finds a book of magic spells belonging to the "Half Blood Prince" and begins to use it, breeding trouble.

For a film generally marketed to small kids and teens, it certainly was violent, bloody and dark. Scenes of ungodly witchcraft permeate this film, as that is the entire concept of Harry Potter. It is easy to dismiss it as just a film, but so many of the scenes interspersed among the school banter, is not healthy for its audience's psyche. The devil is in the details.


Title: Valkyrie

Year Of Release: 2008

Review Date: June 30, 2010

Rating: R

Running time: 130 minutes

Box Office Gross: $200,276,784

Site Rating: 6 out of 10 stars

"Valkyrie" is about the struggles of real live German soldier, Colonel Von Stauffenberg, who in conjunction with his peers, plotted the assassination of dictator and mass murderer, Adolph Hitler. The film is named after a nation plan "Operation Valkyrie" Germany had to take control of its nation.

Scientology mad Tom Cruise playing the lead in this film, held it back to some degree and upset many, especially in Germany, who recognize the celebrity group for what it is, a crazy religious cult that has caused the deaths of many. However, the project still managed to turn in solid sales. Cruise was chosen for his resemblance to Colonel Von Stauffenberg.

Colonel Von Stauffenberg (left) and Tom Cruise (right)

People have the world view that all of Germany agreed with Hitler, but that is not so. Hitler, a man second only to Judas regarding evil in world history, contributed to the deaths of 50,000,000 people. He fooled many with his words and cost many their lives with his hatred.

The Spy Next Door

Title: The Spy Next Door

Year Of Release: 2009

Review Date: June 30, 2010

Rating: PG-13

Running time: 94 minutes

Box Office Gross: $41,612,093

Site Rating: 3 out of 10 stars

"The Spy Next Door" was a mildly entertaining film starring Jackie Chan, as Bob Ho (I was so sure it was "Bob Hope"), a Chinese spy, working for the CIA, that lives next door to the woman he loves, Gillian, a single mother, who has three rambunctious children. Rambunctious = evil. Just kidding, but they are so, how can I put this, energetic, sarcastic and strong willed, they almost broke down a trained spy. Those are some bad kids.

Bob has been dating Gillian and not telling her he is a CIA spy. This level of dishonest damages their relationship and also causes the entire film to unravel, in how this storyline was presented. Chan was funny as always and the child stars quite gifted, but the script for this movie is derivative and needs work, as it let the film down.

The Tooth Fairy

Title: The Tooth Fairy

Year Of Release: 2009

Review Date: June 30, 2010

Rating: PG-13

Running time: 102 minutes

Box Office Gross: $101,670,897

Site Rating: 2 out of 10 stars

This movie went to DVD fast and for a reason - it was painfully awkward and went in so many directions you couldn't wait for it to end. Dwayne Johnson, also known as "The Roc" is a very funny comedic actor, but only when he has something to work with and this script wasn't it.

He stars as, Derek Thompson, a second-tier hockey player in Lansing, Michigan, that has settled for mediocrity, after a career changing injury knocks him out of the big leagues. Due to Thompson calling himself "The Tooth Fairy" the real so-called tooth fairies, based on the childhood myth that people con their children into believing, make an appearance in his life.

They force him to become a tooth fairy, with his wings and very, er, delicate blue satin suit, replete with tights, involuntarily appearing on him at the worst times. This affects Thompson's relationship with his girlfriend and his mentoring of her two children, not to mention his career.

Furthermore, the presence of the word "fairy" coupled with that of a very effeminate, limp-wristed sidekick, a dude named Tracy, this film was begging for certain types of jokes to kick off at this movie's expense.

"The Mighty Ducks" was a more entertaining, age appropriate hockey film that didn't try to force kids to believe in something that doesn't exist - the tooth fairy.

Democrats And Republicans Fighting Over Financial Reform

U.S. President Barack Obama

Yes, they're fighting again. This time over financial reform. The Democrats and Republicans in Congress, along with U.S. President, Barack Obama, cannot agree on financial reform for America.

There is no question it is need, as the country is in financial straits, faced with soaring deficits, job losses, foreclosures and bank collapse, but a suitable and agreeable plan has not been found.

They need to find one quickly and make sure it is ram packed with budget cuts and the elimination of fruitless, taxpayer wasting programs that only benefit politicians and the rich. Anything less will not contribute to an economic recovery. And everyone can agree, America needs to get out of the current financial quagmire breaking the nation.

Elena Kagan Talks Twilight

Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan, was asked in the U.S. Congress, about the latest "Twilight" film, as apart of the nomination and confirmation process. Glad you guys stick to the important issues concerning the nation.

Elena Kagan: no she didn't just ask me that!

What a soft question! That's why the country is in trouble. They didn't ask important and more troubling questions, such as why someone, who was clearly smoking weed, greenlit Tom Cruise's box office turkey "Knight and Day." And more importantly, who actually turned on a camera and decided to film box office bomb "Jonah Hex."


Kagan Recuses Herself From Vampire v. Werewolf

"Russian Spies" Used Their Looks

Anna Chapman

The alleged "Russian Spies" arrested by the FBI this week, in a raid in the tri-state area, are attractive young people that used their looks to make connections in America.

A cute, I mean bad spy, Mikhail Semenko, was seen outside the White House, supposedly doing research...when he could have just used Google Maps

One is even said to have befriended a close friend of Hillary Clinton. Is close friend codeword for Bill Clinton, because you know all it takes is a wink and a smile and Bubba is a goner.


The FBI Arrests 11 "Russian Spies"

The FBI After Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods and wife Elin

Based on reports, the FBI is after golfer Tiger Woods, on claims his trainer, Tony Galea, who has been indicted, gave him and others steroids. Woods has emphatically denied the allegations, but the FBI has not accepted his assertions of innocence.

The FBI, who has a number of racist employees, suddenly picked up the case when it was publicly revealed, Woods had a string of extramarital affairs with over a dozen white women. The timing is ironic, but knowing the FBI, it is what prompted the investigation.

Megan Fox Enjoying Married Life

Beleaguered Hollywood actress (sorry, but I can hardly write "actress" without laughing) Megan Fox is enjoying married life to fellow actor (laughing again), Brian Austin Green, as the couple honeymoon on the island of Hawaii.

I may not have "Transformers" but I have Brian

The two are staying at the Four Seasons resort and have been photographed happily canoodling along the beaches and walkways, enjoying wedded bliss...that is until they return to Los Angeles and the fact her career is in the toilet, after being fired from "Transformers" and his offers mostly contain television movies of the week. You're welcome. Always glad to be of service.

Fox flashing ring

Fox, at the height of her short lived fame, slammed the church, Christians she went to school with, her director, Michael Bay and just about everyone that tried to help her. She believed her own hype and in a matter of weeks, her career skidded into failure.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Megan's replacement in "Transformers": I've got your job, hehe!

After a secret relationship with Bay did not work out, due to Fox being in love with her boyfriend of 6-years, Green, things got really tense between the two and her resentment for the director began to show publicly in interviews, where she branded him "Hitler."

Four Seasons Hualalai in Hawaii

Not a good idea to call a Jewish person Hitler, Megan. Furthermore, Hitler didn't make you rich and give you a career, where all you had to do was show up, let them slap make-up on you, then run from invisible robots. Bay did.

Four Seasons Hualalai in Hawaii

Under the circumstances, you should have kept the disagreements private. Rebounding from being fired from a big franchise will not be easy and you have very poor taste in films, as evident by your two flops "Jennifer's Body" and "Jonah Hex."

Suge Knight Up To His Old Tricks Again

Suge Knight

Former Death Row Records CEO, Marion "Suge" Knight was slapped with a restraining order for allegedly, who are we kidding, for threatening the life of a man in Los Angeles and putting out a hit on him.

It is sad and regrettable Suge is up to his old tricks again. Previously, producer Dr. Dre, Uptown Records CEO, Andre Harrell, the late rapper and label CEO, Eazy E and rapper Vanilla Ice, complained in separate incidents of Suge showing up at their homes, hotels or places of business with armed thugs in tow, threatening them to do his bidding or else.

Some of the incidents devolved into violence. Andre Harrell was reportedly hung upside down over a balcony, while Vanilla Ice was threatened with the same. Dr. Dre and Eazy E were threatened with grievous bodily harm in separate incidents, by Suge and his thugs, who showed up unannounced with guns, bats, pipes and chains. There are numerous other incidents of violence as well, with Suge named as the ring leader.

Suge, you can do better than this. You have to leave those ways behind and turn over a new leaf (without turning someone over on their head and hanging them from a balcony). The FBI and IRS are watching you. You need to straighten up and fly right. Do remember, the FBI has bigger guns and bigger thugs than you do and a Congressional license to use them.

Suge Knight -- Stay Away, or Else!

6/30/2010 10:30 AM PDT - Semi-good news for a man who claimed Suge Knight put out a hit on his life -- Suge was just ordered to stay...away from the guy for three years ... good news only if Suge gets the memo.

According to documents obtained by TMZ, the L.A. area man just snagged a permanent restraining order in L.A. County Superior Court, commanding Suge to stay 100 yards away from Elwood, his home, his car and his workplace.

As we first reported, the guy claimed Suge "had 8 guys come to my house and told them to get me or kill me" back on May 21 -- just one day after Suge was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon...

The FBI Arrests 11 "Russian Spies"

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), has arrested 11 people that have been living and working in America for a decade, as spies for Russia. This comes on the heels of Russian President, Dmitri Medvedev's visit to America, where he met and dined with U.S. President, Barack Obama.

Today, the White House insisted the arrests of the aforementioned agents will not impact America's relationship with Russia, but how can it not. Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, has slammed the arrests, labeling the FBI "out of control."

Russian President Dmitri Medvedev (left) and U.S. President Barack Obama (right)

Americans interviewed about the alleged spies, referred to it as out of place and strange in this day and age, stating they noticed nothing odd about their neighbors. Not the reaction the FBI was hoping for, but it is the one they received, nonetheless.

It is strange that Russia is spying on America at this point in world history, as China has all the money. What they were hoping to gain from the alleged spying is still a mystery, as their nation has made strides in the world as well.

President Sarkozy, President Obama, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Prime Minister David Cameron

Then again, the alleged spying began while former President Bill Clinton was still in office and America was quite prosperous. Then George W. Bush took office and the deterioration of the nation began, creating problem after problem that has yet to be fixed.

Putin says U.S. police "out of control" in spy case

June 30, 2010, 12:48 am - MOSCOW (Reuters) - Moscow angrily rejected U.S. accusations Tuesday that Washington had cracked an undercover Russian spy ring, and said the Cold War-style cloak and dagger saga seemed timed to wreck a recent thaw in relations.

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said U.S. police had gone "out of control" after 10 suspected spies were arrested in the United States in the biggest espionage case for years.

"I hope that all the positive gains that have been achieved in our relationship will not be damaged by the recent event," he told visiting ex-U.S. President Bill Clinton...


Russian analysts said the timing suggested it was an attempt to undermine the "reset" which Obama's administration has hailed as a major foreign policy achievement, citing Moscow's support for sanctions against Iran and cooperation on Afghanistan.

"It's a slap in the face to Barack Obama," said Anatoly Tsyganok, a political analyst at Moscow's Institute of Political and Military Analysis. He predicted Russia would follow Cold War etiquette and uncover an equal number of alleged U.S. spies...

Joe Biden: We Can't Replace The 8 Million Jobs Lost

Vice President Joe Biden

Last week, Vice President, Joe Biden stated the Obama administration will not be able to replace the 8 million jobs that have been lost during the ongoing financial crisis. Oh, yes you could have. Had you followed the Judiciary Report's job creation plan and had tight controls over how the stimulus money was disbursed, the goal could have been achieved.

However, what the Judiciary Report feared and wrote about in advance, hoping it would not happen, did via government overpaying for jobs. As a result of that government bureaucracy, poor planning and financial misappropriation of taxpayer stimulus finds, less jobs were created. You overpaid for the creation of each job, with money that could have created 3-5 positions (each time), had the project been carefully undertaken. Multiply that by each time it happened and billions were wasted.

Angelina Jolie's Daughter Wants To Be Boy

Angelina Jolie

Hollywood actress, Angelina Jolie, who stars in the copyright infringing film "Salt" recently stated to Vanity Fair magazine that her daughter, Shiloh, wants to be a boy and as such, she has dressed her in that manner.

This is emotionally and mentally unhealthy and will lead to terrible identity issues down the road. This is the Hollywood way of raising children and it almost always leads to disaster, heartbreak and massive therapy bills.

Angelina Jolie: Shiloh "Wants to Be a Boy"

Monday – June 28, 2010 – 9:10am - In August's Vanity Fair, Angelina Jolie opens up about her six children and relationship with beau Brad Pitt.

The Salt star, 35, admits she dresses Shiloh, 4, "like a little dude. Shiloh, we feel, has Montenegro style. It's how people dress there. She likes tracksuits, she likes [regular] suits. She likes to dress like a boy. She wants to be a boy. So we had to cut her hair. She likes to wear boys' everything. She thinks she's one of the brothers."...

Megan Fox Married Brian Austin Green

Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green

Former time Hollywood A-list actress, Megan Fox, has married her boyfriend of 6-years, actor Brian Austin Green. The ceremony took place in Hawaii at the Four Seasons Hotel. Green's young son with actress Vanessa Marcil was present for the small ceremony.

Michael Bay

Fox was recently fired from the Transformers movie franchise and her latest release, Jonah Hex, which debuted this month, was one of the biggest comic book film flops in history. "Transformers" director, Michael Bay, will be crushed at the news, as he had feelings for Fox, prior to their big fight this year that basically derailed her career.

Rihanna Cancels More Tour Dates


Fallen faux-singer, Rihanna, has been canceling concert dates left, right and center. It was initially reported only 20% of the tickets to her latest tour had been sold, which really was reason enough not to put gas in the tour bus. However, she pressed on with the endeavor anyway and now faces the embarrassment of having to cancel her opening date and several concerts on the U.S. leg of the tour.

This is after the world tour fell to pieces with poor sales. In short, people have moved on from her. However, that's not stopping Rihanna from rushing out another CD, which is sure to be ram packed with garbage, as past efforts have been. Her CDs are frequent and lack quality. A vocal coach wouldn't hurt her audience's ears either. Most of it contains copyrights she has stolen from others and deteriorated. Her fall from grace has been appropriate, as she is nothing but a fake with nothing new to bring to the musical table.

Rick Ross Sued For Stealing Name And Image

Rick Ross

Miami rapper, Rick Ross, has been sued by notorious drug dealer, incarcerated felon, "Freeway" Ricky Ross. The Miami MC famously took the drug dealer's name, image and likeness and used it to launch a fairly successful rap career.

The only problem for the rapper is in America there is such a thing as image rights. "Freeway" Ricky Ross is entitled to what is known as the Right Of Publicity, meaning he and only he, has the right to profit from his name and image. When he has passed, that right goes to his heirs.

To use his real life image as a persona for a rap career and credibility, is a violation of his legal rights. You are an impersonator, pretending to be the real thing and in music that defeats the purpose of having credibility. As such, the cocaine trafficker has sued the Miami rapper.

"Freeway" Ricky Ross

Thus far, Judge Percy Anderson, has not granted an injunction barring the release of Ross' forthcoming album, but under the law, he owes the felon financial damages and should cease and desist exploiting his name and image for financial gain.

Under the circumstances, you cannot take someone's name and image and turn it into entertainment for profit. You are infringing on their life, which is illegal.

The damages are multiplied, as you are disseminating this work and persona not your own, all over the world, violating international image laws as well.

Side Bar: "Freeway" Ricky Ross appeared in the eye-opening documentary "American Drug War." He spoke about the CIA and Oliver North, as did numerous other individuals, from drug dealers to former DEA agents.

I still have not gotten over that documentary. It's pretty messed up when you find out the CIA flooded the streets of Compton, California with drugs they imported into America.