Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Rick Ross Sued For Stealing Name And Image

Rick Ross

Miami rapper, Rick Ross, has been sued by notorious drug dealer, incarcerated felon, "Freeway" Ricky Ross. The Miami MC famously took the drug dealer's name, image and likeness and used it to launch a fairly successful rap career.

The only problem for the rapper is in America there is such a thing as image rights. "Freeway" Ricky Ross is entitled to what is known as the Right Of Publicity, meaning he and only he, has the right to profit from his name and image. When he has passed, that right goes to his heirs.

To use his real life image as a persona for a rap career and credibility, is a violation of his legal rights. You are an impersonator, pretending to be the real thing and in music that defeats the purpose of having credibility. As such, the cocaine trafficker has sued the Miami rapper.

"Freeway" Ricky Ross

Thus far, Judge Percy Anderson, has not granted an injunction barring the release of Ross' forthcoming album, but under the law, he owes the felon financial damages and should cease and desist exploiting his name and image for financial gain.

Under the circumstances, you cannot take someone's name and image and turn it into entertainment for profit. You are infringing on their life, which is illegal.

The damages are multiplied, as you are disseminating this work and persona not your own, all over the world, violating international image laws as well.

Side Bar: "Freeway" Ricky Ross appeared in the eye-opening documentary "American Drug War." He spoke about the CIA and Oliver North, as did numerous other individuals, from drug dealers to former DEA agents.

I still have not gotten over that documentary. It's pretty messed up when you find out the CIA flooded the streets of Compton, California with drugs they imported into America.