Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Joe Biden: We Can't Replace The 8 Million Jobs Lost

Vice President Joe Biden

Last week, Vice President, Joe Biden stated the Obama administration will not be able to replace the 8 million jobs that have been lost during the ongoing financial crisis. Oh, yes you could have. Had you followed the Judiciary Report's job creation plan and had tight controls over how the stimulus money was disbursed, the goal could have been achieved.

However, what the Judiciary Report feared and wrote about in advance, hoping it would not happen, did via government overpaying for jobs. As a result of that government bureaucracy, poor planning and financial misappropriation of taxpayer stimulus finds, less jobs were created. You overpaid for the creation of each job, with money that could have created 3-5 positions (each time), had the project been carefully undertaken. Multiply that by each time it happened and billions were wasted.