Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Funny Valentine's Day Story

Today while waiting for a cab I called for, a funny incident transpired. When the cab arrived and I began walking up to it, another woman rushed up to it and aggressively began stating it is her taxi she called for and had been waiting for a long time. I stated I called for a cab as well. The driver decided to settle it. He looked at me and said, "You're too beautiful, get in."

I was flattered and since I have manners was trying to say thanks, only to look beside me and see the woman who tried to get the cab become enraged. The cab driver noticed it too and again told me to "get in." The woman looked like she was about to beat me and the cab driver (LOL). I got in that cab faster than Usain Bolt. By the way, I asked him to check whose cab it was and he showed me his phone with the text message and it was my name. So ha *raspberry*! Happy Valentines Day to me... and my readers. 

Some On Social Networking Are Angry That Cop Killer Christopher Dorner Was Burned To Death

Christopher Dorner's confrontation with his former co-workers, the Los Angeles Police Department in California was an incendiary one. Not only did the cop killer murder another police officer as the authorities tried to apprehend the disgruntled former cop and Navy reservist, he barricaded himself in a cabin in Big Bear and engaged in a full on shoot out with police, leading to the home going up in flames during the conflict.

Christopher Dorner

Many are relieved his murder spree has been stopped. However, some on social networking sites are angry at the manner in which is was done. Dorner burned to death, with his charred remains being pulled from the home that had burned to the ground, under a blitzkrieg from the LAPD. In essence, people are saying he was burned to death by the police.  

U.S. President Barack Obama's State Of The Union Address Is Back On His Message Of Hope

Vice President Joe Biden, President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner

U.S. President Barack Obama's State of The Union address last night contained many claims and promises, but will he be able to make good on them in the current financial climate gripping America. Obama offered examples of what he deems his successes with the U.S. economy.

However, one cannot deny the fact, the financial climate in America is still very bad, as cost of living continues to surge and income and job availability decreases. This is a dangerous combo. At the heart of the matter is a badly damaged economy that spans two presidents. Both went about correcting the damage in different ways, but neither has solved the problem, leaving America in a quagmire. 

Kim Kardashian And Kanye West Break The Rules At The Airport Causing Security Scare And Flight Delay

Reality star "Kim Kardashian" and her bisexual boyfriend, rapper Kanye West, caused a security scare at JFK International Airport yesterday, in trying to make a connecting flight on time. An airport worker allowed the attention seeking couple to bypass security, via a restricted area in the airport, to make their flight on time.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West

TSA hit the roof when they found out and yanked the couple off the plane for a thorough security screening. It's a shame they didn't give irritating Kanye a cavity search (respect the index finger, rapper boy). Then again, he'd probably like that. Ah, just tase him.

Jeweler States Rihanna Is Not Engaged To Chris Brown And Better Bring Back Their Stuff

Chris Brown and Rihanna

This past Sunday at the Grammy Awards, alien-forehead singer, Rihanna, wore a ring on her engagement finger, probably trying to give Chris Brown's other chick, model, Karrueche Tran, a heart attack. A few mainstream outlets began to state she is engaged to boyfriend, Chris Brown. However, the Judiciary Report questioned it, as the ring and jewels in it looked small. Seriously, Lil Wayne had bigger diamonds in his teeth.

Karrueche Tran (Photo Credit: ATL Night Spots)

Today, jeweler Neil Lane stated the jewels were borrowed and worth $1,200,000. He also said, "That heifer better bring my stuff back" Okay, he didn't say the last part - I did. However, she must bring the jewelry back or purchase them. In closing, this dispels the engagement ring rumors.

Rihanna's ring

If Chris wanted to marry Rihanna, he would have popped the question a long time ago. He seemed more into Tran than her. However, as his freedom is on the line in his current probation violation case, he is keeping Rihanna close by to help him with the judge and prosecutors.

Police Chief Resigning In The Chris Brown Probation Violation Case Gives A Certain Impression

Chris Brown and Rihanna (Photo Credit: Wire Image)

Richmond, Virginia Police Chief, Bryan Norwood, has resigned from his post, due to the Chris Brown probation violation case. Los Angeles prosecutors accuse Norwood and Brown's mother, Joyce, of conspiring to falsify probation records, to allow the singer to leave the country in violation of court rules, while claiming to perform community service in Virginia. 


This month, prosecutors filed a motion to revoke Brown's probation on the grounds his 180 hours of community service have been falsified and the singer also stands accused of engaging in violent behavior against singer Frank Ocean and other members of the public, as well as property damage and vandalism. Brown, via his lawyer, Mark Geragos, has denied all the allegations and even brought Rihanna, the woman at the center of his felony domestic violence case, to court in an effort to show the judge solidarity.

Bryan Norwood

However, Brown's behavior continues to work against him, as he has been getting into confrontations all over America and it is only a matter of time before another one occurs. If Brown fails to tame his temper and restlessness, trouble will be brewing again and someone could get seriously hurt.  

Rihanna Looks Rough In New Video 'Stay' Which Is Being Panned

Rihanna, 24, looking 20-years older than her age from hard living. All the members of the Kabbalah Center, such as Rihanna, Chris Brown, Madonna, Lindsay Lohan, Beyonce and Britney Spears look much older than their age due to the mind numbing, chaotic things they do.  

Music model Rihanna released a new song called "Stay" and the video for the single is not flattering. Rihanna looks haggard and prematurely aged. People are commenting on social networking about how rough she looks, which is not a good thing when one is trying to sell a product as a female artist.

You can see the damage the cocaine, weed, alcohol, hard partying and promiscuity has done to her. People on a number of website feedback sections are also complaining they have no respect for Rihanna as she is always naked or half naked, selling sex rather than music. What did you expect. She is no Whitney Houston in the vocal department.

Lindsay Lohan's Lawyer To The Judge: I Don't Know Where Girlfriend Is, Okay!

Dina Lohan and Lindsay Lohan (LOL)

Once again, unemployed, drug addicted actress Lindsay Lohan finds herself in the middle of another self-induced mess. This time it relates to her probation violation cases. After dropping competent attorney, Shawn Chapman Holley, who maneuvered her out of legal trouble time and time again, then not paying the lawyer the $300,000 in legal fees she owes her, Lohan has fallen afoul of another jurist.

Lohan's new lawyer put in paperwork to the court to inform the judge that he doesn't know where his client is and does not want to be held responsible for any missed court appearances. This lack of cooperation with her lawyer and disrespect for the court, indicates Lohan is not taking the matter seriously. Meanwhile, her drug addled mom continues to encourage her bad behavior.