Thursday, February 14, 2013

Police Chief Resigning In The Chris Brown Probation Violation Case Gives A Certain Impression

Chris Brown and Rihanna (Photo Credit: Wire Image)

Richmond, Virginia Police Chief, Bryan Norwood, has resigned from his post, due to the Chris Brown probation violation case. Los Angeles prosecutors accuse Norwood and Brown's mother, Joyce, of conspiring to falsify probation records, to allow the singer to leave the country in violation of court rules, while claiming to perform community service in Virginia. 


This month, prosecutors filed a motion to revoke Brown's probation on the grounds his 180 hours of community service have been falsified and the singer also stands accused of engaging in violent behavior against singer Frank Ocean and other members of the public, as well as property damage and vandalism. Brown, via his lawyer, Mark Geragos, has denied all the allegations and even brought Rihanna, the woman at the center of his felony domestic violence case, to court in an effort to show the judge solidarity.

Bryan Norwood

However, Brown's behavior continues to work against him, as he has been getting into confrontations all over America and it is only a matter of time before another one occurs. If Brown fails to tame his temper and restlessness, trouble will be brewing again and someone could get seriously hurt.