Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Funny Valentine's Day Story

Today while waiting for a cab I called for, a funny incident transpired. When the cab arrived and I began walking up to it, another woman rushed up to it and aggressively began stating it is her taxi she called for and had been waiting for a long time. I stated I called for a cab as well. The driver decided to settle it. He looked at me and said, "You're too beautiful, get in."

I was flattered and since I have manners was trying to say thanks, only to look beside me and see the woman who tried to get the cab become enraged. The cab driver noticed it too and again told me to "get in." The woman looked like she was about to beat me and the cab driver (LOL). I got in that cab faster than Usain Bolt. By the way, I asked him to check whose cab it was and he showed me his phone with the text message and it was my name. So ha *raspberry*! Happy Valentines Day to me... and my readers.