Thursday, February 14, 2013

Lindsay Lohan's Lawyer To The Judge: I Don't Know Where Girlfriend Is, Okay!

Dina Lohan and Lindsay Lohan (LOL)

Once again, unemployed, drug addicted actress Lindsay Lohan finds herself in the middle of another self-induced mess. This time it relates to her probation violation cases. After dropping competent attorney, Shawn Chapman Holley, who maneuvered her out of legal trouble time and time again, then not paying the lawyer the $300,000 in legal fees she owes her, Lohan has fallen afoul of another jurist.

Lohan's new lawyer put in paperwork to the court to inform the judge that he doesn't know where his client is and does not want to be held responsible for any missed court appearances. This lack of cooperation with her lawyer and disrespect for the court, indicates Lohan is not taking the matter seriously. Meanwhile, her drug addled mom continues to encourage her bad behavior.