Tamir Rice
Lawyers for the City of
Cleveland have filed a lawsuit against, 12-year-old murder
victim, Tamir Rice, demanding $500 in ambulance fees and
additional court costs, after mentally unstable police
officer, Timothy Loehmann, gunned down her son in acts of
brutality and excessive force. This lawsuit was no typo.
City of Cleveland management knows exactly what it is doing,
as the lawsuit was filed against the estate of the
12-year-old child, which is appalling.

Tamir Rice left to die on the ground on police
orders. His 14-year-old sister was handcuffed and thrown in the back of a squad
car for trying to help her dying brother.
Subodh Chandra, an attorney for
Tamir's estate, accurately concluded in a response to the
lawsuit that has been filed against the deceased minor, "The
callousness, insensitivity, and poor judgment required for
the city to send a bill - its own police officers having
slain 12-year-old Tamir - is breathtaking. This adds insult
to homicide."

Tamir Rice's traumatized sister
This is one of the most callous
things I have ever read. The coldness of it all is
astonishing. I don't understand how some people lose their
humanity and do such things. The people who referred
the matter to the city attorneys and those responsible for
filing it in court should all be fired. Someone was trying
to get back at the Rice family, due to the bad publicity the
case brought the city and they need to be held accountable
for their disgraceful actions.

Timothy Loehmann
The negative attention the
scandal of Rice's murder created is needed to draw people's
attention to the horrors and injustice of the case and
others that have transpired in Cleveland, regarding police
brutality. The Cleveland Plain Dealer reported, "In more
than 60 lawsuits, citizens accused officers of needlessly
shooting at them, beating them during routine traffic stops,
shocking them with Tasers while face-down on the ground in
handcuffs or arresting them when they had committed no
11:28 AM ET U.S.- The city has filed
a suit demanding $500 in payment for emergency treatment for
the boy after a police officer fatally shot him. hat’s more
outrageous than having a police officer shoot an unarmed
12-year-old, failing to provide medical care, keeping his
family forcibly from the scene, and then declining to indict
the officer for the death? In most cases, little. But the
city of Cleveland has found a way: It is suing Tamir Rice’s
family for not paying the ambulance bill after a Cleveland
cop shot and killed the boy in November 2014.
As the Scene reports, Cleveland has filed a
claim in probate court, seeking $500 from Rice’s estate to
pay for emergency medical services rendered after Officer
Timothy Loehmann fatally shot the boy. The charge is
especially galling because Loehmann and another officer
apparently had no training or equipment to provide aid to
Rice after they shot him. They did nothing for four minutes
until an FBI agent who happened to be nearby took over...