This is a follow up to the May 10, 2016
Judiciary Report article "Over
700 People Have Come Forward Claiming To Be Related To Or
The Mother Of The Children Of The Late Singer Prince"
where the site stated, "These claims are costly and
outrageous. Lawyers for Prince's estate and the
administrator need to put their foot down, via making it
plainly clear, if anyone files a fraudulent claim, they will
be arrested and prosecuted. If they fail to get serious
regarding these fraudulent claims, the estate will lose
millions of dollars in trying to sort out baseless paternity
and DNA claims."

On Monday, May 16, 2016, the Bremer Trust,
the court appointed administrators of the estate of the late
recording star, Prince, has asked the judge in the case for
approval, to order all individuals attempting to make a DNA
claim as potential relatives of the singer, pay for their
own genetic testing. This makes sense. Only people who have
been lied to by a promiscuous parent or are mentally ill
opportunists will pursue DNA claims when they realize they
have to pay for it. This will weed out many false claims,
saving the estate time and money.

In closing, just because you went to a
Prince concert doesn't mean you are related to him. Just
because your mama slept with a man that looked like Prince
(probably an impersonator), doesn't mean he is your daddy.
Please spare his family the harassment and emotional
Prince No Free Rides for Wannabe Family ... If Estate
Gets Its Way
5/16/2016 8:59 AM PDT - All the so-called
"long lost" relatives of Prince should have to pay to prove
they're truly the singer's blood ... according to the bank
running his estate. TMZ obtained docs filed by Bremer Trust
Bank ... and it's asking a judge to sign off on getting
anyone who's "claiming a genetic relationship" to fork over
the dough to cover DNA testing costs...