New FBI Director James Comey, U.S. President
Barack Obama and former FBI Director, Robert S. Mueller
The Judiciary Report has been proven correct in its
assertion the FBI lied about needing Apple to unlock the
iPhone of the terrorist ringleader in the San Bernardino
terrorist attack. In the March 11, 2016 article "FBI Using San Bernardino Terrorist Attack As A Power Grab At
Apple" the site stated, "As the phrase goes, "Give them
an inch and they will take a mile." Once the FBI gets a
foothold, they will keep imposing and perversely go further
each time. Furthermore, the FBI does not need Apple to
unlock the phone. Others have unlocked iPhones. The FBI just wants to
illegally control Apple in a bid to further spy on the
masses. They are grossly overstepping their congressional
mandate. It is arrogant, out of order and totalitarian in
Two weeks later, on Monday, March 28, 2016,
in an evening announcement, the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) and its parent agency the Department of
Justice (DOJ) stated they are backing of Apple in the court
case and have found an outside company to unlock the
terrorist's iPhone. Yea, you do that (sarcasm). I told you
guys the FBI was lying. They are a deceitful, treacherous,
corrupt, lying agency, who are not to be trusted under any
circumstances (they've caused innocent people's deaths,
including children and separately framed innocent people
New Evidence Reveals The FBI Sent Innocent People To Death
Row and
Man Wrongfully Imprisoned For 28-Years Due To FBI
and The FBI Still
Framing People For Crimes and
Wives Of
Men Framed By The FBI Speak).
The FBI was about to greatly damage Apple, a
company that legitimately employs thousands of people and
actually makes America money, unlike the Federal Bureau Of
Investigation, who keeps going to Congress with its hands
outstretched accompanied by concocted stories and fake cases
they've created, to demand more taxpayer money to spy on
Americans and international citizens, in violation of the

The public does not believe the FBI as evidenced by
tweets on social networking site Twitter
If the power grab had gone ahead through the
courts, the public would have simply associated Apple with
the FBI, branding them snitches controlled by the Feds,
having embedded themselves in the company's products to spy
on the masses and began avoiding their products. Apple makes
good products and should be free from government
interference of that nature.
Hackers are nosy. The minute tech companies
put out new products, hackers do their level best to take
them apart and would brag online about any backdoors they've
discovered. Congress was negligent in allowing the FBI and
DOJ to file the court case against Apple, trying to take
over a company they weren't smart enough to build. It was
pure arrogance. Revelations of widespread National Security
Agency (NSA) spying is proof federal law enforcement cannot
be trusted with the public's privacy.
There is something deeply perverted with
people, government or civilian, who believe they are to be
secretly spying on others. There is something mentally wrong
in their brains to be doing this. Psychologists have written
many papers on the subject. It is perverted, mentally ill
voyeurism. Government officials have been forced to admit
under oath and in Congress that all this spying has not
stopped even one terrorist attack. It's just an excuse to
spy on people.
Select members of government are using
illegal spying for undue enrichment to commit insider
trading, financial theft, corporate theft, gain information
of political rivals to get in office and secure lucrative
jobs and in some cases spy on their significant others (an exclusive the Judiciary Report
broke first).
Read Apple's response to the FBI's San Bernardino iPhone hack
Read Apple's response to the FBI's San Bernardino iPhone hack
From the beginning, we objected to the FBI's
demand that Apple build a backdoor into the iPhone because
we believed it was wrong and would set a dangerous
precedent. As a result of the government's dismissal,
neither of these occurred. This case should never have been
brought. We will continue to help law enforcement with their
investigations, as we have done all along, and we will
continue to increase the security of our products as the
threats and attacks on our data become more frequent and
more sophisticated.
Apple believes deeply that people in the
United States and around the world deserve data protection,
security and privacy. Sacrificing one for the other only
puts people and countries at greater risk. This case raised
issues which deserve a national conversation about our civil
liberties, and our collective security and privacy. Apple
remains committed to participating in that discussion.
The Fight Between Apple And The FBI Is Just Getting Started
The Fight Between Apple And The FBI Is Just Getting Started
March 30, 2016 00:19 IST - Apple isn't the
only company that is aiming to install greater encryption
around products. Washington: The Justice Department has
called off a high-profile legal battle with Apple after it
was able to unlock an iPhone used by one of the San
Bernardino shooters without the company's help. But rather
than resolve the fight, this latest development is likely to
motivate Apple and other companies to strengthen the
security of their devices even more and force the government
to keep up with any new security measures, technology
executives and security analysts said.
"They're in an arms race," said Matthew
Blaze, a cryptography researcher and professor at the
University of Pennsylvania. "The FBI is trying to find new
ways in and Apple is trying to find new ways to defend
against that." Apple isn't the only company that is aiming
to install greater encryption around products, which makes
intrusions by hackers and government investigators alike
much more difficult.
The FBI case appears to have intensified
efforts among tech companies such as Snapchat and Facebook
to employ better encryption - a trend that began after
Edward Snowden's revelations of government spying in 2013
and a massive wave of cyber-hacking in recent years.
Cloud computing company Box, which filed a
legal brief supporting Apple in the San Bernardino case, is
one of the many tech firms rushing to offer new
encryption-related security features. It recently launched a
product, Keysafe, that allows corporate customers to hold on
to their own encryption keys -- a move co-founder and chief
executive Aaron Levie said was as much about fighting off
hackers and cybercriminals as it was about fending off
government surveillance. The implementation of Keysafe means
the company cannot collect and hand over the private
information of a customer even when the authorities have a