Justin Bieber
The TMZ website has published a list of road infractions
committed by 18-year-old pop star, Justin Bieber and it is an indication that
the young singer needs to make some changes. The site states police have caught
Bieber going at excessive rates of speed on at least two occasions.
In a third incident, Bieber cut off a police officer in
traffic, while driving his Batmobile (yes, that's right, his Batmobile). He was
yelled at by a police officer in another incident for illegally parking his car
and blocking traffic, while he went into a massage parlor.

Justin Bieber being pulled over by police for speeding
(Photo Credit: Flynet Pictures)
The singer was also cited by police for "making an
unsafe left turn" and in a separate incident, hit another car. Bieber is
driving like he is playing a video game, weaving in and out of traffic at high
speeds. However, this is real life and not a game and in driving in that
manner, Bieber is begging for something bad to happen.
Until he can prove he is able to safely drive and obey the
rules of the road, Bieber should not be behind the wheel. Some of his fans are
not going to want to read that, but it is for his own good and that of the
public and may save lives. Someone could die if this continues in the manner it
has been for the past several months.