Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Massive Fine Against Rupert Murdoch For Phone Hacking Could Pay Police Salaries In Britain


Rupert Murdoch 

British police recently publicly protested cuts to their pay and potential layoffs. This occurred due to the global economic crisis, which began on Wall Street, leaving many nations feeling the financial pinch to stay on budget. The phone hacking scandal has gripped Britain for the past year, becoming more scandalous with each month, thanks to Rupert Murdoch and his corrupt company News Corp, engaging in completely debased and debauched behavior. 

Rupert Murdoch and his lawbreaking children James Murdoch, Elisabeth Murdoch and Lachlan Murdoch 

If the British police assessed a whopping fine against Murdoch for his widespread criminal activity on their shores, via News Corp, it could help to keep some police officers in uniform. Murdoch has damaged the Metropolitan Police with his breed of corruption and should be made to pay a price for it like any other criminal (via compensation). Hit him where it hurts (no, not there, not even Viagra can bring that one back) - in the pockets.