Thursday, July 22, 2010

Too Much Too Soon

Lindsay Lohan

As disgraced Hollywood actress, Lindsay Lohan, sits in a Los Angeles jail cell on DUI probation violations, repeatedly blowing chances to get her life in order, one has to wonder, is she one of the celebrities that falls into the category of having too much too soon and not being able to handle it well.

Lindsay Lohan (left) and attorney Shawn Chapman Holley (right)

She made roughly $30,000,000 at a relatively young age, but fell in with a certain crowd not long after and lost everything. She is experiencing a disconnect from reality, still believing it is early 2005, she is in demand and at the height of her fame, when those days have gone.

"Free Lindsay" - No, she needs some discipline and detox

Should courts appoint an independent legal representative for child stars, with a small fee to be paid out of their earnings, in an effort to keep them from self-destructing, going bankrupt and dying young, as many have done.

Lynwood jail in Los Angeles, where Lohan is being held

The story keeps repeating itself, regarding child stars who are in a state of suspended childhood and refuse to cope with the real world, due to being overly pampered and absolved of all responsibility in life.