Wednesday, July 21, 2010

David Cameron Meets With Barack Obama

British Prime Minister, David Cameron (left) and U.S. President, Barack Obama (right)

Newly elected British Prime Minister, David Cameron, met with U.S. President, Barack Obama, at the White House today, in Washington, D.C. They held a joint press conference, answering a number of questions.

The two heads of state, discussed the regrettable release of Lockerbie bomber, Abdelbaset Al Megrahi, who was thought to have three months to live, but is still living in his native, Libya, one year later.

Abdelbaset Al Megrahi (left)

The Judiciary Report opposed his release from day one, labeling it a mistake. Time has proven the site correct once again, as Megrahi, continues to enjoy his freedom in luxury, well beyond the life expectancy doctors initially gave the cancer sufferer last year.

Notice the Judiciary Report's use of the words "reportedly has three months to live" on August 20, 2009 (see below). Last year, he just did not appear that far gone.

On August 20, 2009, the Judiciary Report wrote:

"He is suffering from cancer and reportedly has three months to live. Britain is known for its compassion in such issues and as such, Scotland released him after serving 8 years in prison, to go home to die....

Compassion is a great trait. However, Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, is a convicted mass murderer, who could have received medical care in prison, while paying his debt to society. Releasing him has rubbed salt in the wounds of his victims' families and friends, who didn't get to tell their loved ones goodbye, a courtesy he has been afforded." (click here)

While the Judiciary Report has the utmost respect and love for victims of cancer, Megrahi, has not paid his debt to society for the mass murder he committed, creating shattered lives for their loved ones left behind.

Cameron's invitation to visit America was to shore up ties between the two nations, as Britain has long been a very loyal ally and friend to the United States.

Since being elected this summer, Cameron has implemented significant cost cutting measures to reduce national debt in Britain, which is commendable. He also pulled off a massive coup seizing over $1 billion dollars in dormant bank accounts to use for the public good.

The White House needs to begin its own cost cutting and desist with the spending sprees on the people's money, as no amount of wishful thinking shall suspend the laws of mathematics.


Obama Slams Release Of Lockerbie Bomber

Gordon Brown On Lockerbie Scandal