Wednesday, July 21, 2010

U.S. Unemployment Benefits Receive A Second Look

U.S. President Barack Obama

The Democrats are attempting to push through legislation to extend unemployment benefits to Americans that have lost their jobs. As stated two weeks ago, the Judiciary Report was not amused when people's benefits were stalled, as for 1.3 million people in America, it could mean the difference between staying in their home or apartment or being out on the street.

I understand Republicans are concerned about where the $33.9 billion will come from to cover the costs, but it is of greater priority than other financial initiatives on the table, which need to be scrapped, such as billions for walking and bike riding paths, as is being implemented by President Obama.

I've got news for you, if one does not have a job, one does not wish to go walking, but to stay in one's house or cardboard box and feel sad, as that is the natural human instinct in such a predicament. However, it is best to get up and get out there, go for a walk around one's neighbor hood or to PREEXISTING parks that exist in virtually every U.S. city.

Another major, multi-billion dollar item that can be stricken from the U.S. budget during these hard times, is the massive electronic spying network, invading the privacy off millions of Americans, via the FBI, CIA and NSA.

If the government monitored Americans less and foreign terrorists more, they'd catch a lot more Jihadists and save many billions of dollars. Billions upon billions of taxpayer money is being wasted spying on innocent people, in violation of the U.S. Constitution. If this unruly spending continues, in the future, America government will not be able to afford a federal government.

The Judiciary Report is also still of the belief the site's job creation plan would work. The White House has simply overpaid for jobs that would not pay a third of what the government ended up allocating thereto, in the real world, which indicates bureaucracy and kickbacks ate up a lot of taxpayer money. This is something very vital the government could not afford to get wrong, but astonishingly did. They are attempting to try it again. Here's hoping it turns out better this go round.

Jesus Himself could come down from heaven, hand the government a sheet of paper with detailed instructions on how to fix the U.S. economy and they would still mess it up.


U.S. Unemployment Benefits Stalled