Monday, March 1, 2010

Obama Renews Patriot Act Provisions

U.S. President Barack Obama

U.S. President Barack Obama, has renewed former President George W. Bush's controversial Patriot Act, in particular, three provisions, some of which are sorely being abused by the FBI.

The provision that, "Authorizes court-approved roving wiretaps that permit surveillance on multiple phones" is severely being abused by the FBI, to spy on innocent people in America, both citizen and non-citizen, with no suspected terrorist affiliations.

There is a type of roving mobile phone bug (wiretap) the Judiciary Report wrote about two years ago, based on a story that ran on Fox News. The FBI has the ability to turn on your mobile phone anywhere you are, triggering the microphone and having it act as an audio bug.

This enables them to pick up all conversation wherever the mobile phone is present, whether it be in your living room, bedroom, home office, car, church or at work.

It was used in a mafia case a few years ago and as you can tell, a Mafioso is not typically classified as a terrorist, but rather a hardened criminal.

Robert S. Mueller

However, on the orders of FBI Director, Robert S. Mueller, roving mobile phone audio bugs mentioned above, have also been improperly and illegally used on journalists, bloggers, politicians, community workers, activists and businesspeople, among others, who have not broken the law.

In some instances, it was done off the record, in others the FBI flat out lied, making up stories, trying to tie innocent people to terrorist investigations they knew they had nothing to do with, in order to spy on people they had no legal grounds to place under invasive surveillance.

Then, when they've sufficiently snooped on the innocent targets, they close out the sub-investigations, claiming there was no finding of terrorism or connection thereto, regarding said journalist, blogger, activist ect...

It's fine to employing surveillance methods on genuine terrorist suspects, but some people in America have been subjected to this, based on political and financial reasons, which is unconstitutional and unlawful.


FBI Collected Thousands Of Phone Records Illegally

Obama signs one-year extension of Patriot Act

Saturday, February 27, 2010; 6:11 PM - WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama has signed a one-year extension of several provisions in the nation's main counterterrorism law, the Patriot Act.

Provisions in the measure would have expired on Sunday without Obama's signature Saturday.

The act, which was adopted in the weeks after the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, expands the government's ability to monitor Americans in the name of national security.

Three sections of the Patriot Act that stay in force will:

-Authorize court-approved roving wiretaps that permit surveillance on multiple phones.

-Allow court-approved seizure of records and property in anti-terrorism operations.

-Permit surveillance against a so-called lone wolf, a non-U.S. citizen engaged in terrorism who may not be part of a recognized terrorist group...