Monday, March 1, 2010

Earthquakes Strike Chile And Japan

Strong earthquakes hit the nations of Chile and Japan this weekend. In Chile, 300 people are feared dead, with billions in damage, after an 8.6 quake struck, toppling buildings and highways.

In Japan, a 6.9 earthquake struck Okinawa. Both quakes symbolize the strongest to hit each nation in one hundred years. This is after a massive quake hit Haiti in January, claiming 150,000 lives and causing massive damage.

As stated in the past, missile testing is creating trouble within the earth's core, adding to preexisting pressure. Quakes are a response to tension and friction, in the form of seismic activity unleashing.

Seismic activity increases with earth tensions below the surface. Iran, North Korea and America, have been testing missiles and it is placing too much pressure on the earth. The gestation period for stress then builds up, due to nuclear stimuli, creating unusual quakes, at greater than normal intervals. It's a type of domino effect, causing greater eruptions (quakes).

Tsunami panic after Chile earthquake

February 28, 2010 - Residents look at a collapsed building in Concepion following a magnitude 8.8 earthquake
Tony Allen-Mills and Nathan Crooks in Santiago

JAPAN was warned of the possibility of 10ft waves early today as a tsunami swept across the Pacific after the huge earthquake that struck Chile early yesterday.

The first 12ft tsunami waves generated by the earthquake hit French Polynesia and the Chatham Islands in New Zealand.

On an island off Chile the high waves swamped a village with five people dying and 11 missing but elsewhere there were no reports of damage though authorities warned that higher tides could come later.