Saturday, March 23, 2013

David Beckham Loses Appeal In Prostitute Libel And Defamation Case

The Beckhams
This is a follow up to the February 15. 2011 article Judge Questionably Throws Out David Beckham Case. Beckham’s libel appeal against prostitute Irma Nici, over claims she had sex with him, breaking his marriage vow, was recently denied by the appeals circuit.

Irma Nici

It’s not surprising, as many cases regarding people like Murdoch (and separately in this case the publishers behind In Touch) are mysteriously dismissed, having been corrupted by him in illegal ways. Beckham was able to prove he was not at the hotel or the country at the time Nici claimed the two had sex. Hotel management also denied Nici was at the hotel on the day in question. The article also contained factual errors, regarding Beckham’s hairstyle at the time, as photographic evidence revealed his hair looked nothing like she described. There are too many holes in her story.

Irma Nici
A person should not be able to make such allegations in print regarding someone’s conduct without proof (travel documents, passport stamps, receipts - all of which the accuser lacks) and it prevail in a court of law. It undermines the court system. Free speech does not give one the right to defamation.