Friday, March 22, 2013

Even Obama Can't Afford Gas As His Limo Breaks Down During International Trip

 High Gas Prices Or Security Breach
President Barack Obama
The limo of U.S. President Barack Obama, dubbed "the Beast" broke down during an international trip in Israel and had to be towed. The official reason given is the driver put gasoline in the tank, rather than diesel, resulting in the vehicle refusing to start. Oddly, the Secret Service is refusing to comment on the breakdown.

First Lady Michelle Obama: I'm watching you Barack!
However, if you've watched the documentary, Secret Access Air Force One, which the Judiciary Report's sister site, Celluloid Film Review reviewed, you'll know the airplane Air Force One, which carries the president and his vehicle, goes through meticulous checks and adheres to strict protocol to ensure each trip goes smoothly.

Miss Israel Yitish Aynaw: I'm watching him too!
It's all very micromanaged. So, it makes one wonder. Is that really what happened or did Mrs. Obama pull the proverbial "sugar in his tank" move comedians have joked about for decades, due to the fact President Obama is set to meet the first black Ms. Israel, the beautiful Yitish Aynaw. One thing's for sure, Beyonce must be jealous
Obama's limo broke down like Lindsay Lohan at a liquor store
Side Bar: is it just me or does Yitish Aynaw look like Mrs. Obama. They resemble each other. As the street phrase goes, Mrs. Obama "come get your boy" (LOL). This article is all in good fun. No one take it the wrong way.