Kim Kardashian filed a claim for her stolen wedding ring, among other alleged pilfered pieces of jewelry
Reality star, Kim Kardashian, has sued gossip blog Media Take Out for libel, due to the website stating she engaged in an insurance scam, after allegedly being held at gunpoint and robbed of $11,000,000 her jewelry. Media Take Out is owned by Fred Mwangaguhunga. It is one of the most viewed sites on the internet.
Kardashian's lawyer stated Media Take Out wrote she, "Faked
the robbery, lied about the violent assault, and then filed
a fraudulent claim with her insurance company to bilk her
carrier out of millions of dollars." The fact of the matter
is many on social networking sites have written items
indicating they are of the belief the Kardashian's staged
the robbery. Media Take Out shares their view and published
it online.
Kardashian's lawyer further stated, "Kardashian was
assaulted and robbed by two masked men, who placed a gun to
her head, duct-taped her hands, legs and mouth, and then
left her lying helplessly on the bathroom floor of her
rented apartment while the thieves absconded with millions
of dollars in jewelry. As if that ordeal were not awful
enough, Defendants made it worse by publishing on the
Website, only hours after the assault, that Kardashian faked
the robbery and then committed insurance fraud by filing a
claim with her carrier."
Am I sorry for Kardashian? No,
she's a thief herself
(you reap what you sow) and Kim and the Kardashians have
been sued repeatedly by many copyright and trademark owners
all over America for stealing their intellectual
property/products and slapping the family name on it like it
is their own.
I will state this though, Media Take Out took a big risk
writing that Kardashian staged the robbery and engaged in an
insurance scam. The last part in particular about the
insurance scam was risky, as it is a serious accusation and
not easy to prove. Even if people online think Kardashian
had the robbery staged (and many do based on comments on
social networking) in order for you to write it on a
website, you must have proof, lest you get sued.
You could attempt to legally compel Kardashian to submit to
a lie detector test regarding the robbery. You could also
depose her for 3-hours on the matter until all the details
come out. While you're at it, find out how many industrial
plants had workers working overtime to product her butt
implants that now look like a diaper gone very wrong.
Kim Kardashian Sues Website Over Claims She Faked Paris Robbery
Kim Kardashian Sues Website Over Claims She Faked Paris Robbery
October 11, 2016 - Kim Kardashian isn't
taking a gossip site's claim that she lied about her
traumatic Paris robbery lightly. The reality star is suing
mediatakeout.com and its owner Fred Mwangaguhunga for libel
per se. "After having been the victim of a horrific and
traumatic armed robbery in France, Kim Kardashian returned
to the United States only to again be victimized, but this
time by an online gossip tabloid that published a series of
articles in early October 2016 referring to her a liar and
thief," writes Kardashian attorney Andrew Brettler in a
complaint filed Tuesday in New York federal court...