Angelina Jolie
Hollywood actress, Angelina Jolie, sent her lawyers after blogger, Perez Hilton, for writing that she refused to allow her children to see their dad, actor Brad Pitt, during the former couple's ongoing, acrimonious divorce. I'm not a fan of n-word using Hilton, but how did he lie? When Hilton wrote the item on his site, Pitt had not seen his children for weeks.

Brad Pitt
Paparazzi have been following the couple day and night and at no time did Pitt visit his children at the home Jolie was renting. How can Jolie threaten to sue Hilton for stating the obvious. He didn't tell us anything we didn't know, because thanks to the paparazzi following their every move, we could see that Pitt was banished. Jolie has since apologized to Hilton.

Perez Hilton
Jolie is not happy with the negative publicity she has received from a number of blogs about her messy divorce. The attitude of social networking regarding the divorce is Jolie and Pitt got what they deserve for what they did to his ex-wife, Jennifer Aniston, via their adulterous affair. There isn't much sympathy for Jolie and Pitt. However, people have sympathy for Jolie and Pitt's children and are concerned about their welfare.