A Florida purse snatcher was caught on a gas station camera,
stealing a $300 purse out of a woman's SUV as she attempted
to fill her vehicle with gas. 32-year-old Janelle Della-Libera,
looked over just in time to see him remove her purse from
the vehicle. Della-Libera chased the thief, who fled to his
She hopped on the hood of his car and began hitting him with
her wallet she had removed from her purse, prior to pumping
gas. She hit him several times, which caused him to drive
off with her on the hood. This resulted in the woman falling
off the hood of the car. The thief then ran over her leg.
Della-Libera was taken to hospital with a sprained ankle.

Woman leaps on the hood of purse snatcher's car
Della-Libera told the press, "He could have killed me. What
if he had a gun? What if he would have been more vicious?
The scenario could have played out so much worse." Indeed.
What Della-Libera did was brave, but very risky. Thankfully
she did not die as a result of the purse snatcher's conduct.
People must be careful not to keep their purse or wallet
with their money/bank cards/credit cards in their vehicle
while they pump gas or going into businesses. Thieves often
walk by vehicles looking for unlocked doors to steal cars or
items on display such as purses/wallets to break the window
of vehicles and stealing people's belongings. Keep your
purse/wallet on you. Some thieves in smash windows. For
years Florida has been plagued by people engaging in what is
known as "smash and grab." Some incidents left victims dead.

Woman attacking purse snatcher
This same man was accused of stealing a car days prior that
had a baby in the back seat. Police were able to apprehend
him. They have since discovered he was a felon who was
recently released from prison. Some people fail to learn
from prison, that it is a correctional facility meant to
rehabilitate bad behavior. I do believe people deserve a
second chance. However, what you do with that second chance
is up to you.
You can take your freedom and turn your life around or go
back to criminal behavior and end up in prison again. The
choice is yours. Do not make the unwise decision of
returning to crime. Make the most of your life in an honest