Just when you thought it couldn't get any
more insulting it does and on a new level. News reports
indicate the brutal shooting death of motorist, Philando
Castile, with his girlfriend and 4-year-old child present in
the car, was not for the reasons police initially claimed.
Castile was summarily executed by police officer Jeronimo
Yanez. The incident, along with the police killing of Alton
Sterling, sparked protests in America and other parts of the
world, due to it being the product of racism and police
brutality. It also led to the shooting deaths of 5 police
officers in a retaliatory killing by army reservist Micah
Xavier Johnson.

Philando Castile's girlfriend Diamond Reynolds witnessed his murder and streamed the aftermath via mobile phone video on Facebook, which shocked social networking users due to its brutality
Police initially stated Castile was driving
with a broken taillight, which is why they claimed he was
pulled over by police. However, the photos from the crime
scene revealed otherwise, which many on social networking
began publicly pointing out. Two days later, police
acknowledged Castile was pulled over for having a "wide
nose" which in their estimation looked like a black man who
had held up a store.

Jeronimo Yanez
This case is beyond insulting. The racial
stereotypes, evidence tampering in trying to delete video
footage of the killing from Facebook, lying, fraud,
defamation of an innocent man and extreme lack of courtesy
shown to Castile, who make no mistake, was racially
profiled, is disgraceful. Yanez must be prosecuted within
the scope of the law for costing an innocent man his life
and for the disturbing cover-up that ensued. Any other
police employee that aided in the cover up and evidence
tampering should face criminal prosecution as well.
Castile family responds to police scanner audio
3 days ago - ST.PAUL - The uncle of
Philando Castile told KARE 11 the police scanner audio we
obtained is an example of racial profiling. A KARE 11
viewer, who gave us audio clips of police radio traffic,
claims they captured the moments just before Philando
Castile and his girlfriend were stopped by St. Anthony
police – which ended with police fatally shooting Castile.
KARE 11 has attempted to confirm the
authenticity of the recording with police officials, but so
far they have not responded. We have verified that the
license plate mentioned by police in the recording matches
the plate of the car Castile was driving. The location the
officer gives also corresponds to the locations of the
traffic stop.
“I’m going to stop a car,” the officer says
on the recording. “I’m going to check IDs. I have reason to
pull it over.” “The two occupants just look like people that
were involved in a robbery,” the officer says. “The
driver looks more like one of our suspects, just ‘cause of
the wide set nose,” the officer continues.
Diamond Reynolds said she and her deceased
boyfriend did not match the descriptions on the audio clip.
Philando Castile’s uncle, Clarence Castile, called the
traffic stop an example of racial profiling. “I just thought
it was kind of insane to pull somebody over saying they
matched a robbery suspect by having flared nostrils,”
Clarence Castile said. “It is kind of hard to see flared
nostrils from a car...