This month singer Ciara
married NFL football player Russell Wilson. Ciara has a
2-year-old son Future, named after his rapper father, who
has treated the singer disgracefully. The rapper has
publicly insulted Ciara and Wilson in cruel ways, even
threatening the football player online by using a gun emoji.
Today, a video surfaced showing Ciara, baby Future and her
husband, Wilson, getting ready for an event.

Ciara, her son Future and Russell Wilson

Russell Wilson and baby
In the video, Ciara saw
her toddler and stated to him "kiss mama" and he did so.
Then, her son said "papa kiss" to Wilson, who gave him a
kiss on the cheek. It was very sweet, but sad at the same
time. The rapper is going to be enraged when he sees the
video, which is what makes it sad. However, if he spent more
time with his son, rather than music industry groupies, the
little boy would have a relationship with him.

I feel sorry for the
little boy. His biological father is not treating his mother
well, neglecting his paternal duties and another man had to
step in to become a father to him. Baby Future has seen
Wilson more than his biological father. While it is great he
has someone around for support, the rapper is really letting
his child down.