Friday, June 3, 2016

Prince Died Of Accidental Fentanyl Pharmaceutical Drug Overdose

The Midwest Medical Examiner's Office issued a one page report stating the late singer, Prince, died of an accidental Fentanyl pharmaceutical drug overdose. The report did not state underlying medical conditions, which would constitute privacy violations. However, the medical examiner's report does concur with what the Judiciary Report has maintained for weeks, Prince's death was an accident on his part (Vault Of 2,000 Unreleased Prince Songs Opened But Need To Be Protected From Thieves). He was not trying to kill himself. He, like a number of dancers his age, had serious pain issues from hip and knee problems that required replacement surgery. For nearly 40-years, Prince's energetic stage shows and music videos included leaps, jumps, splits, bends and turns, which takes a toll on the body over time. There were many shows that Prince danced just as much as fellow music legend, James Brown. 

Sometimes when people are in awful pain, they take more medicine in an attempt to gain physical comfort to do daily activities in the day or get restful sleep at night, but exceed the recommended dosage. As bad as the pain is, you have to follow the doctor's dosage instructions in accordance with pharmaceutical drug manufacturer guidelines. If your pain becomes that severe, go back to the doctor, who can give you a referral to see a pain management specialist to find a more suitable medical regiment that will not imperil your life and health.   

Just two months ago the Judiciary Report covered the story of stripper-turned-judge, Diane Hampton, who also had a Fentanyl overdose. She was a university educated woman with a law degree, yet she overdosed on Fentanyl, due to the severe pain that accompanies sepsis, which is blood poisoning (Stripper Turned Judge Died Of Pharmaceutical Drug Overdose and Stripper Turned Judge Found Dead In Nevada). 

When people get sick. The pain can get pretty intense. Most don't think they can die from a pharmaceutical drug overdose, but it has happened to many people. It's not that the pharmaceutical drugs are bad, as many have provided great relief and regulated maladies within the body. However, some pharmaceutical drugs are more powerful than others and can cause liver damage, respiratory failure and stop the heart, if taken to excess in violation of doctor's orders and that of the drug manufacturer. Most drug makers have done extensive studies and clinical trials regarding their products. They know the side effects of each drug and the dosage the body can safely tolerate. Be careful and follow your doctor's instructions. I wish you all good health.