Johnny Manziel
This week, the Cleveland Browns have
released 23-year-old quarterback, Johnny Manziel, after a
string of self-induced troubles beset the talented U.S.
football player. In the July 12, 2014 article "Partying
Your Career Away" the Judiciary Report warned that
Manziel was headed for disaster in what would damage his
career. Now it has happened in Manziel being cut by the

TMZ captured photos of Manziel drinking in Miami
Manziel constantly partied and drank excessively to the
point he began playing well below his potential in the
professional league (NFL), then ended up in a domestic
violence incident in October 2015 with girlfriend, Colleen
Crowley. The couple were out partying and drinking. Manziel
is accused of dragging Crowley out of his hotel room and
into her car. She stated to police that she jumped out of
the car in the parking lot, but Manziel stopped the vehicle,
dragged her back into the car, then struck her on her head
by her ear. Crowley is now deaf in one ear.
The blow to the head made Crowley understandably angry.
She began hitting Manziel, who threw her off him in the car,
causing her to hit her head against the window.

Manziel drinking with rapper Drake
An argument erupted as Manziel drove with Crowley in the car
against her will. Manziel threatened to kill Crowley and
himself during the violent argument.
Sports Illustrated quoted an excerpt from the police
report on the incident revealing, "During the drive to Fort
Worth, I was crying and telling him ‘I hate you! Just leave
me alone! I hate you!’ Respondent then told me he was going
to drop me off, take my car and go kill himself. I thought
maybe he was on drugs or having a psychotic break so to keep
him calm I began telling him, ‘I love you. We can figure
this out, we can talk.’ Respondent started laughing at this
and I became really scared. I started crying even more and
he told me "Shut up or I'll kill us both!" Then I started
begging him not to kill me and he immediately responded, ‘I
would never kill you. You don't deserve that. I would only
kill myself!’ He was not making sense."

TMZ captures Manziel drinking at another event
Pedestrians witnessed Manziel driving erratically as the two
fought in the car. As a result, the pedestrians called
police. Though, Crowley declined to press charges and the
incident was closed, public outcry over domestic violence
later caused authorities to reopen the matter. In February
2016, police announced Manziel is under investigation over
the incident.

Manziel drinking again
The couple were constantly partying, drinking and on
vacation. This was not great for their health or his career.
Manziel is responsible for the choices he made.
Nonetheless, I have to question the conduct of some of
the people in Manziel's life. Manziel's friends and love
interests know he has a drinking issue. Yet, they continued
to drink and party with him on a regular basis. The question
is why. If you have a friend or love with an alcohol
problem, in good conscience you should keep them away from
it when you are around them.

Manziel drinking sizzurp (codeine and soda) while out with girlfriend Colleen Crowley
Manziel was also putting much of his
partying and promiscuity on social networking, damaging his
image and earning potential with sponsors/endorsers. The
Judiciary Report has warned against this behavior online in
past articles [Producer Teddy Riley Lays Down The Law On Soulja Boy Regarding His
Daughter (The Dangers Of Putting Too Much Private Info On Social
Networking) and
Stars With Image Problems That Cost Them Millions Of Dollars
Partying Your Career Away]. Nearly two-years
after the Judiciary Report's articles, Manziel's marketing
agency LRMR dropped him as a client (January 2016). Manziel's agent also
dropped him as a client (January 2016). Both companies'
conduct confirms what the Judiciary Report wrote years prior
in that coaches/managers/team, as well as endorsers, do not
favor trouble prone athletes. It makes them nervous, as they
have to protect their brand.
With Manziel, the potential is there, but
the dedication is not. Manziel made the choice that partying
was just as important as training and it is not. You have to
sacrifice if you want to make it in sports. Sacrifice is a
word commonly used by champions. One of the first things my
dad, a former football (soccer) player then coach (cricket
as well) of many years taught me is that athletes cannot
constantly party and drink and reach the top of the sports
field. Having fun in the off season to a minimal degree is
one thing, but partying and with alcohol week in and week
out will damage one's sports career. The body simply cannot
handle it. When there's more alcohol in you than a good
protein drink, you're gonna have problems.