Protesters Shutdown Trump Rally

Donald Trump
In the March 11, 2016 article "Donald
Trump Demands Audience Pledge Allegiance To Him In Heil
Hitler Styled Salute, Promotes Mussolini And Violence
Against Minorities And Women" also posted on the
blog at
3/11/2016 02:12:00 AM, the Judiciary stated
Donald Trump has been promoting violence via his words at
political rallies he has been holding across America. Approximately 12 hours later, violence erupted at a Trump
rally in Chicago, Illinois, prompting him to call off the
event, citing security fears. The Trump campaign stated
police advised them to do so. However, Chicago police later
stated they did no such thing and it was a decision
undertaken by the Trump campaign.

Woman heiling Hitler at Trump rally in Chicago
Trump is claiming to be perplexed at the
violence and backtracking on previous claims. However, he
has stated in the past that his supporters should punch
protesters and he will pay the legal fees. He also made
claims that in the good old days people like his protesters
would be carried out on stretchers. Trump has created an air
of violence and his supporters are feeding off these bad
cues and acting upon them. Trump is inciting violence with
his words, which is a criminal offense in many countries.

Protestors fill the streets outside Trump rally in Chicago
In trying to nab the Republican nomination,
Trump has become an extremist. A man, whose name was once
synonymous with wealth and the American dream, is now
equated with hate, division and racism. This is not a good
thing. If Trump had simply run on the platform that he would
use his financial prowess to help America's economy, this
would have been acceptable. Instead he chose to tap into the
racial divide in America making it extremely worse. Instead
of trying to dissolve racial tensions, he has inflamed them.

Students protesting before Trump rally
In my humble opinion, political rallies
should celebrate one's nation and excitedly cheer on what
one seeks to improve. Bringing talk of violence to such
events is not in the spirit of brotherhood, unity and the
promotion of one's nation. It is divisive. Trump has become
a hatemonger. He needs to do better than this.

To Donald Trump: Growing up in
America, I used to see you on shows like "Lifestyles Of The
Rich And Famous." The name Trump meant money. Your name was
about success in business. Even a few years ago I received
an invite to one of your seminars in Florida. You used to be
a businessman, but look at what you have become. You've
become a hate figure. People are heiling Hitler at your
rallies. Is this what you really want, to be a symbol of
hate. Someone whose name is synonymous with hate and
violence. Wake up and stop it. I preferred it when your name
was about business. My hope was for you to help turn the
U.S. economy around. Not engage in this racial mess that has