The Slippery Slope

Donald Trump
U.S. presidential candidate, Donald Trump, is fast showing himself to be
a racist, fascist Nazi. From
the beginning of his campaign for the presidency, Trump
xenophobically referred to Mexican illegal immigrants as rapists
and murderers, which is a lie. He stated black youth "have no
spirit." Another lie. Trump has also vowed to ban Muslims from
America, which is wrong and unethical. He has also mocked the
disabled, which is a cruel thing to do.
Trump is behaving like Hitler, scorning and
disparaging minorities and those who are disabled, seeking
to sift away every group that does not fit his white ideal.
Trump has come under fire over a number of incidents.
Recently during a rally, Trump demanded the audience raise
their right hand and pledge allegiance to him, not the
American flag. When one pledge's allegiance to the flag, one
bends one's right arm (similar to the shape of a boomerang).
Trump asked the thousands of people at the rally to raise
and extend their right arm and pledge allegiance to him, in
what looked like a Nazi salute. It was not a pretty sight.
It was a very disheartening and disconcerting throwback to
terrible days in our world, where Hitler cost 50,000,000
people their lives. Recently, Trump also retweeted a quote
promoting fascist Mussolini.

A Twitter user compared Donald Trump rally with Hitler's Nazis
Trump is playing on the American people's
fears to gain a foothold in the election. He is encouraging
hatred, separatism and violence via his words. For example,
a Muslim woman entered a Trump rally to see what it was
about, regarding how he fits into the political process. She
did not disturb the peace. She simply attended the rally, as
many others had done. She was bullied, heckled and
kicked out for being Muslim. This was very illegal,
inappropriate and discriminatory. Last week, a black woman
with a protest sign was shoved at a Trump rally by a white
male. He was discharged from the Marine Corps for this
illegal behavior.
This week, as police peacefully escorted a
black protestor out of a Trump rally, a white supporter of
the presidential candidate punched the African-American man
who was in cuffs and not resisting arrest. The man in
question has now been arrested for punching the protestor in
a matter than had nothing to do with him. It was another
illustration of the unprovoked hatred and violence Trump is
provoking and promoting. Two days ago, a Trump campaign
worker roughed up a female reporter, grabbing and throwing
her to the ground, for attempting to ask a question they
deemed controversial. That is crazy. People are entitled to
free speech. This illegal thug behavior is unacceptable and

Trump ranting at rallies
Trump's campaign is encouraging violence
against minorities and women. Trump angrily rants at
rallies, working up attendees by virulently pointing out all
the problems in America and laying blame on Mexicans,
blacks, Muslims, the disabled, China and the Middle East.
This is exactly how Hitler got started. Trump's hit list is
ever growing and will only serve to promote American
isolationism in the world, by offending many people and
nations. To run a campaign on hate is a dangerous thing. No
good can come of it.
America elected its first black president in
2008 when Barack Obama won the presidential election.
However, during his tenure in office, at times it has veered
into militancy that has left whites feeling isolated, left
out and under threat. That's not good. This is one of the
reasons the Judiciary Report has maintained for years that
anyone elected to office anywhere in the world, should seek
to unite the races and do the best they can for everyone,
not one particular race, group or cause. There must be
fairness, equality and an even playing field. It promotes
civility and racial harmony. People should not feel left out
or neglected in their own country. Every life matters.
Donald Trump's Campaign Manager Reportedly Roughed Up a
Female Reporter
Mar 9, 2016 - A female reporter tried to ask
Donald Trump a question Tuesday night as he was leaving a
Florida press conference, only to be "forcibly yanked" by
Trump's campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, according to
Politico. The reporter, Michelle Fields, who works for
Breitbart News, was nearly brought down to the ground,
Politico said, adding that a witness said she was "clearly
roughed up." The run-in happened as Secret Service were
clearing a path for Trump. Fields's boyfriend, an editor
with the website Daily Caller, had this to say about the
This is not the first time Trump's campaign
has gotten physical with protesters or the press. Most
recently, a photographer for Time magazine was thrown to the
ground and choked by someone on Trump's Secret Service
Muslim woman led out of Trump rally; group seeks apology
Muslim woman led out of Trump rally; group seeks apology
January 9 at 6:17 PM - CHARLOTTE, N.C. —
Rose Hamid attended one of Donald Trump’s rallies in silent
protest over some of his campaign statements, but by the
time the South Carolina event was over, the Muslim woman
said she had been heckled by people in the crowd and
escorted out by security guards. Now she’s awaiting a
response from the Republican front-runner.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations
has issued a call to the campaign of the GOP contender to
apologize over Hamid’s treatment at the event Friday night.
And Hamid said by Saturday afternoon she hadn’t received any
response. “I would like to hear what Trump has to say about
it,” she told The Associated Press by phone. “I’d like to
hear because if they say that it was because we were
disrupting things, then I would like him to show evidence of
where the disruption came, because the disruption didn’t
come from me. It came from his followers because they saw