Chris Brown
Based on reports and a tweet on social networking,
r&b singer Chris Brown and girlfriend Karrueche Tran have broken up
again. Tran confirmed it today on Twitter. The aspiring model and
fashion designer stated she is not dating anyone, requesting people
stop with the rumors to the contrary.

Karrueche Tran
A Los Angeles Superior Court judge order Brown to
undergo an additional two months in rehab, after successfully
completing 90-days. Brown was not happy with the order, but rehab
has been helping him. It is quite structured and the 5AM wake up
time can be difficult. Brown also misses his home. However, rehab is
better than jail. He can complete the 2-months, as he already did
well with the first 90-days.

Look at this chick Rihanna smiling. She knows Chris is single
again. Don't smile too hard. You better hope he doesn't fall for
anyone in rehab.
Previously, the Judiciary Report stated if Brown and
Tran broke up again she would cry and that’s exactly what’s been
happening (Will
Karrueche Tran Wait For Chris Brown If He Goes To Jail). Poor
girl is heartbroken. I was hoping it wouldn’t happen, but it has
now. Tran posted a picture of her tearful and sad. Brown needs time
to work on himself. He’s also concerned about going to jail.

Rihanna and Drake
Meanwhile, singer and ex-girlfriend Rihanna is
delighted at the news of their split, as the Judiciary Report has
stated for months, she wants Brown back. She even went so far as to
publicly canoodling with Drake and on stage, trying to make Brown,
the love of her life, jealous. Look for her to make a move on Brown.

Chris Brown Finally Heeds Site Suggestions And Heads To Rehab After Assault Arrest In Washington
Chris Brown Finally Heeds Site Suggestions And Heads To Rehab After Assault Arrest In Washington