Thursday, June 28, 2012

Obama In Florida Hating On The Miami Heat Because The Chicago Bulls Lost The NBA Championships

Barack Obama
President Barack Obama was in Miami yesterday, begging for money via soliciting campaign donations and resentfully congratulating the Miami Heat, hating that his favorite team, the Chicago Bulls, did not win the NBA championships. Deal with it.

Miami Heat

Obama kept calling the Miami Heat "the Miami Heats" which he knows is incorrect, as he is a basketball fan and likes to pretend he can play like NBA legend Michael Jordan, who played for the Chicago Bulls. Regarding the Heat, you know you’re doing something right when even the president is hating on you.

Miami Heat

Miami shouldn’t give him any money for calling them the Heats (LOL). What if people in Miami decided to be smart alecks and start calling the team "the Chicago Bullses" or "the Chicago Bull" or referring to their top star Derek Rose, as Derek Roses - not to mention, rather than saying Obama, stating Baracks Obamas. Two can play that game, pardon the pun (LOL).