President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric
Contempt of Congress proceedings against President Barack Obama’s
Attorney General, Eric Holder, are set to go forward in the legislature, as last
minutes talks failed to break the impasse. Holder continues to violate the
Freedom of Information Act, hiding pertinent and incriminating documents,
whilst lying to Congress and the American people.
Three Democrats from the
President and Attorney General’s own party, have also defected on the
issue, joining the loud chorus of opposition in the GOP, against Holder’s terrible
conduct in the "Fast And Furious" gun trafficking scandal.
Holder's conduct and that of the Department of Justice, resulted in the deaths of two U.S. Border Patrol agents and several
hundred Mexican civilians, when he decided to play gun trafficker in
criminal violation of U.S. and Mexican law, putting high power,
sophisticated weapons in the drug cartels' hands just to see what would
happen. Well, know you know and you should go to prison for it, as your
conduct directly led to mass murder.
Holder should not go unpunished in the eyes of the law, as his madness
at the Department of Justice has cost many people their lives. This is no
small thing, as it is very serious and should be treated as such. The precedent
of impunity through criminal negligence that led to manslaughter must not
Those lives mean something and they are being mourned by those that
love them. Of all the things he could have done at the Justice Department,
he chose this sick and deadly illegality. The blood of the innocent is on
your hands, in what constitutes serious sins and make no mistake, God will
punish you for their senseless deaths.