Charlie Brooks and his tearful wife Rebekah Brooks
after being charged with crimes (Photo Credit: Alan Davidson)
Rebekah Brooks, the former chief executive of Rupert Murdoch's News
International, owned by his company, News Corp, is attempting to have
charges against her tossed on the grounds the prosecutor, Alison Levitt,
is a woman she once wrote a nasty tabloid story about, in the now
defunct News Of The World paper. Ooo, sucks to be you.
Alison Levitt
Brooks believes Levitt is out to get her, after she published a
damaging story regarding her having an extramarital affair with
politician Alex Carlisle. The Judiciary Report does not agree with
adultery, but Brooks' conduct devastated the Carlisle wife and the
former editor has no one to blame for that but herself. Murdoch's News
Corp has destroyed a number of people's lives in the name of money and
should not be surprised when it comes back to bite them in the backside.