Wednesday, July 20, 2011

When It Comes To Debt The Obama Administration Has The Mindset Of Gamblers

Barack Obama

In listening to President Obama and members of his cabinet speak about the financial crisis, one walks away with the impression, they have the mindset of gamblers. So much money has been pumped into the U.S. economy during President Obama’s term, yet he alarmingly continues to spend and keeps suggesting more stimulus packages, as the solution to America’s dire financial problems.

They sound like gamblers, who keep making risky wagers, believing that next gamble is the one that’s going to put them on top and in the black, only to end up further in the red, in a financial hole that keeps deepening.

It’s time for a sensible approach to finance with a sound fiscal plan, as the Judiciary Report has advocated for years. America does not have money to burn. It’s time for certain people in Washington to stop acting like it. There is a massive difference between debt and profit. Learn it.

After two presidents in a row, Bush and Obama, exhibited poor financial acumen, making very risky economic choices, to the detriment of America and the globe, the financial world has lost confidence in Washington.

The tides are changing in the world. It is the rise of China, India and Brazil in finance, which is a positive development for the world, as it means more people advancing. If America is to remain competitive in the financial world, prudent, precise and insightful action needs to be taken now to set things aright with the economy or risk falling to the wayside. The truth hurts, but it is only in confronting it and making the necessary changes, can one improve and move forward.


Obama Calls For Job Summit

Artificial Growth - Part 2

Artificial Growth

The Benefits Of Government Cost Cutting

The Republicans Say Obama Has No Economic Plan, Only Speeches

Officials Officially Pronounce Obama's Stimulus A Massive Failure That Added Billions To The National Debt

A Majority Of Americans Feel They Were Better Off Before President Obama

Gallup Poll: Any Republican Would Beat Obama If The Presidential Election Was Held Today

Officials Officially Pronounce Obama's Stimulus A Massive Failure That Added Billions To The National Debt

America's National Deficit Increased An Unprecedented 35% Under President Obama

Rivals Use Bad Economy As Primary Tool In Their Bid To Oust President Obama

Billionaire Tells Obama To Resign Over The Economy

New Negative Jobs Report Is Bad News For Obama

News Corp And Insider Trading In The Phone Hacking Scandal

Rupert Murdoch

As many of you know, Rupert Murdoch and his company, News Corp, are embroiled in a disgraceful phone hacking scandal that saw them illegally wiretap and hack over 9,000 phone lines in Britain alone. Murdoch also engaged in criminal invasion of privacy in America and his native Australia as well.

However, during the course of the unlawful conduct, the company has publicly admitted to and paid questionable settlements in some cases, but hidden beneath that is the very unethical corporate crime of insider trading. News Corp used its illegal wiretapping and hacking to gain an undue advantage in business, in criminal violation of insider trading laws.


The Head Of The Wall Street Journal Resigns Due To Rupert Murdoch Phone Hacking Scandal

Privacy Invader Rebekah Brooks Resigns From Rupert Murdoch's News Company

Delusional Rupert Murdoch Thinks The Public Adores Him

The FBI To Investigate Rupert Murdoch's News Corp

Rupert Murdoch Executive Admitted To Bribing The Metropolitan Police (Video)

Rupert Murdoch Illegally Accessed The Medical Records Of The Prime Minister's Sick Child

Report: Rupert Murdoch To Relaunch News Of The World As The Sun On Sunday

Rupert Murdoch's News Corp In Trouble As More Employees Are Arrested And News Of The World Closes

Rebekah Brooks Played Sex Games In The Office With Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Crimes

The FBI Corruptly Granted "Sovereign Immunity" In The Aisha v. FBI Case

Madonna's Connection To Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal

Rupert Murdoch Compromised National Security With Illegal Phone Hacking And Wiretapping

Rupert Murdoch Has Proven He Cannot Be Trusted

Has Rupert Murdoch Ever Spied On A World Government For Another

Report: Rupert Murdoch Blackmailed The British Prime Minister

Mr. Murdoch, Your Viagra Prescription Is Ready

Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal Runs Way Deeper Than They Are Admitting

Rupert Murdoch Is A Liar And A Coward To Let His Employees Take The Fall For Him

James Murdoch (left) and Rupert Murdoch (right)

During yesterday's hearing into Rupert Murdoch and News International/News Corp, in the British Parliament, the corrupt CEO arrogantly denied all responsibility for his company's heinous conduct, while pouting like a 80-year-old baby made to publicly give an account for his crimes.

When asked if he feels any responsibility over the criminal conduct emanating from his company, Murdoch arrogantly snapped "no" with an impudent look on his face. He has absolutely no remorse for what has happened.

Rupert Murdoch and son James Murdoch, intent on living the so-called good life, at any criminal expense

It became evident quite fast that Murdoch thought the hearing was beneath him and was miffed anyone dared question his criminality. Murdoch came off loony during the hearing, interrupting others' statements with odd and off the cuff comments, displaying a roller coaster of uneven emotions that made him appear bipolar.

One minute Murdoch was smiling, the next he erupted in anger, in a pattern that kept repeating itself during the hearing. Murdoch is not all there. He and his strange, shifty son, James Murdoch, repeatedly lied under oath, even changing their statements to form contradictory claims, when confronted with the truth regarding their lies.

News Corp were shown to be a company with excessive sums of money laying around in petty cash, undoubtedly used for bribes. James Murdoch, signed massive, record breaking settlement checks in attempts at buying the silence of victims/potential witnesses, to avoid criminal charges, yet pretended in the hearing he did not know what he was signing. They truly insulted the public's intelligence. Show of hands, how many of you would sign million dollar checks and not know what it is for? No one.

In 2007, when Rupert Murdoch and his company lied about the phone hacking scandal enveloping News International/News Corp, they told the government of Britain and the world, it was only one rogue reporter involved in the criminal misconduct. Yet, here we have in it 2011, nearly a dozen of Murdoch's employees, reporters and private investigators included, have been arrested on the charge of phone hacking.

Rebekah Brooks enjoyed the so-called good life with the Murdochs and has been well compensated for criminal activity at News International/News Corp with a $5,000,000 golden parachute

According to prominent press reports, the British government is investigating Murdoch and company, for trying to bribe police officers just three weeks ago (once again) into burying the criminal case against them. How shameful.

The aforementioned, chronic criminal conduct should serve as a lesson to world governments. Let Murdoch and company get away with this massive criminality today and under his family's leadership, expect worst conduct from them tomorrow, as they will lie to your faces and go right back to business as usual, with the temptation to outdo their past evil deeds winning out, having gotten away with the unthinkable twice.

Protests outside Parliament as the Murdoch's testified

The reason News Corp keeps getting into more serious trouble, in hearing after hearing and scandal after scandal, is the simple and unavoidable fact, the rot and repugnance starts at the top of the company, then works its way down. These abhorrent plots and criminal schemes come directly from the Murdochs, who have their employees carry them out, in exchange for added financial compensation.

Until the Murdoch's are excised from News Corp, expect worst to come that will shock the public. The Murdochs have bought up others' respectable companies and brought them into such shame and disrepute it will never be forgotten.


The Head Of The Wall Street Journal Resigns Due To Rupert Murdoch Phone Hacking Scandal

Privacy Invader Rebekah Brooks Resigns From Rupert Murdoch's News Company

Delusional Rupert Murdoch Thinks The Public Adores Him

The FBI To Investigate Rupert Murdoch's News Corp

Rupert Murdoch Executive Admitted To Bribing The Metropolitan Police (Video)

Rupert Murdoch Illegally Accessed The Medical Records Of The Prime Minister's Sick Child

Report: Rupert Murdoch To Relaunch News Of The World As The Sun On Sunday

Rupert Murdoch's News Corp In Trouble As More Employees Are Arrested And News Of The World Closes

Rebekah Brooks Played Sex Games In The Office With Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Crimes

The FBI Corruptly Granted "Sovereign Immunity" In The Aisha v. FBI Case

Madonna's Connection To Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal

Rupert Murdoch Compromised National Security With Illegal Phone Hacking And Wiretapping

Rupert Murdoch Has Proven He Cannot Be Trusted

Has Rupert Murdoch Ever Spied On A World Government For Another

Report: Rupert Murdoch Blackmailed The British Prime Minister

Mr. Murdoch, Your Viagra Prescription Is Ready

Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal Runs Way Deeper Than They Are Admitting

News Corp's Rebekah Brooks Lied Under Oath

Contradicts Herself In Parliament

2003 Hearing (Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson)

In 2003, former News International/News Corp executive and journalist, Rebekha Brooks, clearly stated in the British Parliament, "We have paid the police for information in the past" with former co-worker and fellow arrestee Andy Coulson chiming in that they did so "within the law."

2011 Hearing (see 2:10 for Brooks' statements)

During yesterday's hearing, gone was Brooks' arrogance from her previous jaunt in Parliament, replaced by denials that completely contradict Brooks' 2003 testimony, as she stated this week, "I can say that I have never paid a policeman myself. I've never sanctioned or knowingly sanctioned a payment to a police officer." Right (sarcasm).

Rebekah Brooks

Side Bar: I must ask, because your statements are so preposterous, when and in what nation of the world is it legal, to bribe police officers for information. Exactly what planet are you and News Corp on. I know you are aware that paying police officers for information equals a bribe, which indicates conduct lacking ethics, transparency and legality. It is commonsense that if you have to pay police officers for information it means you should not acquire possession of the data you seek.

Rupert Murdoch

Back to the article. Brooks' original hearing 8-years ago, grants the public the ability to now fast-forward and view what the failure to clamp down on Rupert Murdoch's evil empire in 2003, has morph into, via a horrific scandal that has so violated the innocent people, including missing children that were later found murdered, it defies comprehension that any company could be so sick, wicked and greedy.


The Head Of The Wall Street Journal Resigns Due To Rupert Murdoch Phone Hacking Scandal

Privacy Invader Rebekah Brooks Resigns From Rupert Murdoch's News Company

Delusional Rupert Murdoch Thinks The Public Adores Him

The FBI To Investigate Rupert Murdoch's News Corp

Rupert Murdoch Executive Admitted To Bribing The Metropolitan Police (Video)

Rupert Murdoch Illegally Accessed The Medical Records Of The Prime Minister's Sick Child

Report: Rupert Murdoch To Relaunch News Of The World As The Sun On Sunday

Rupert Murdoch's News Corp In Trouble As More Employees Are Arrested And News Of The World Closes

Rebekah Brooks Played Sex Games In The Office With Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Crimes

The FBI Corruptly Granted "Sovereign Immunity" In The Aisha v. FBI Case

Madonna's Connection To Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal

Rupert Murdoch Compromised National Security With Illegal Phone Hacking And Wiretapping

Rupert Murdoch Has Proven He Cannot Be Trusted

Has Rupert Murdoch Ever Spied On A World Government For Another

Report: Rupert Murdoch Blackmailed The British Prime Minister

Mr. Murdoch, Your Viagra Prescription Is Ready

Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal Runs Way Deeper Than They Are Admitting

Former News Corp Employee Rebekah Brooks Accused Of Trying To Destroy Evidence Police Found

Rebekah Brooks and her husband Charlie Brooks

The press is accusing former News International/News Corp employee, Rebekah Brooks, of destroying evidence in the ongoing phone hacking criminal case. A security guard called the police when Brooks' husband tried to retrieve a garbage bag with a mobile phone, computer and sensitive documents belonging to the family, which had been dumped in the garage of a shopping center, outside their apartment building in Chelsea (London).

It is to be expected that the suspects in the case are being wiretapped and followed by the police, with all their personal and business data investigated for clues to criminal activity. See, it's not so much fun when the shoe is on the other foot and people are prying into your lives, now is it.


Police examine bag found in bin near Rebekah Brooks's home

Monday 18 July 2011 20.54 BST - Detectives are examining a computer, paperwork and a phone found in a bin near the riverside London home of Rebekah Brooks, the former chief executive of News International. The Guardian has learned that a bag containing the items was found in an underground car park in the Design Centre at the exclusive Chelsea Harbour development on Monday afternoon...

It is understood the bag was handed in to security at around 3pm, and that shortly afterwards Brooks's husband, Charlie, arrived and tried to reclaim it. He was unable to prove the bag was his and the security guard refused to release it. Instead, it is understood that the security guard called the police. In less than half an hour, two marked police cars and an unmarked forensics car are said to have arrived at the scene.


The Head Of The Wall Street Journal Resigns Due To Rupert Murdoch Phone Hacking Scandal

Privacy Invader Rebekah Brooks Resigns From Rupert Murdoch's News Company

Delusional Rupert Murdoch Thinks The Public Adores Him

The FBI To Investigate Rupert Murdoch's News Corp

Rupert Murdoch Executive Admitted To Bribing The Metropolitan Police (Video)

Rupert Murdoch Illegally Accessed The Medical Records Of The Prime Minister's Sick Child

Report: Rupert Murdoch To Relaunch News Of The World As The Sun On Sunday

Rupert Murdoch's News Corp In Trouble As More Employees Are Arrested And News Of The World Closes

Rebekah Brooks Played Sex Games In The Office With Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Crimes

The FBI Corruptly Granted "Sovereign Immunity" In The Aisha v. FBI Case

Madonna's Connection To Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal

Rupert Murdoch Compromised National Security With Illegal Phone Hacking And Wiretapping

Rupert Murdoch Has Proven He Cannot Be Trusted

Has Rupert Murdoch Ever Spied On A World Government For Another

Report: Rupert Murdoch Blackmailed The British Prime Minister

Mr. Murdoch, Your Viagra Prescription Is Ready

Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal Runs Way Deeper Than They Are Admitting

Obama Aging More Rapidly Than Ever In The White House

Barack Obama this month

U.S. President, Barack Obama, has been looking tired and somewhat haggard of late, clearly due to the stress associated with his job that has intensified. Obama's hair is grayer than ever and seemingly overnight. More troublingly is the fact Obama is exhibiting the early signs indicative of the onset of Alzheimers.

Barack Obama in 2008

A few days ago, Obama got his own birth date incorrect. He was off by two weeks. A few months ago, he signed the wrong year in the guestbook during a visit to Westminster Abbey. Prior to these incidents, Obama incorrectly stated America has 57 states. There several other incidents indicating Obama is having memory problems.

When individuals experience mentally stressful events of an extraordinary nature, it can lead to Alzheimers. One does not have to experience a blow to the head or have been present in situations, where a bomb detonated and the force there from negatively impacted the brain (even without physical injury to the person). Massive mental distress over the course of a few short years, can deteriorate the brain.


Barack Obama: I’m Getting Old

Obama Conscious About Sprouting Gray Hairs

Did Rupert Murdoch's Wife Make Him Look Like A Punk And Wuss On International TV In Trying To Fight His Battles For Him

Bodyguard Or Wife?

Rupert Murdoch and Wendi Murdoch after the Parliamentary hearings in London yesterday. Murdoch's constant smirks in the face of the evil he and his company knowingly did, are reminiscent of Bernie Madoff who kept smirking for the cameras throughout his trial and sentencing.

During a British Parliamentary hearing yesterday, looking into the criminal conduct of Rupert Murdoch and his company News Corp, which illegally wiretapped and hacked 9,000 phone lines in Britain for profit, protester Jonathan May-Bowles, hit the aforementioned greedy CEO in the face with a foam pie.

Rupert Murdoch getting a pie to the face (Photo Credit: TMZ)

Immediately, Murdoch's third wife, Wendi Deng Murdoch, 42, leapt up out of her chair and tried to slap Bowles, for shoving the pie in her husband's face, then fell on her butt while doing so. Did Wendi make 80-year-old Murdoch look like a punk and a wuss that can't fight his own battles, by getting ghetto in the hearing. Furthermore, if her husband can't take a pie to the face, how's he going to take prison...


The Head Of The Wall Street Journal Resigns Due To Rupert Murdoch Phone Hacking Scandal

Privacy Invader Rebekah Brooks Resigns From Rupert Murdoch's News Company

Delusional Rupert Murdoch Thinks The Public Adores Him

The FBI To Investigate Rupert Murdoch's News Corp

Rupert Murdoch Executive Admitted To Bribing The Metropolitan Police (Video)

Rupert Murdoch Illegally Accessed The Medical Records Of The Prime Minister's Sick Child

Report: Rupert Murdoch To Relaunch News Of The World As The Sun On Sunday

Rupert Murdoch's News Corp In Trouble As More Employees Are Arrested And News Of The World Closes

Rebekah Brooks Played Sex Games In The Office With Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Crimes

The FBI Corruptly Granted "Sovereign Immunity" In The Aisha v. FBI Case

Madonna's Connection To Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal

Rupert Murdoch Compromised National Security With Illegal Phone Hacking And Wiretapping

Rupert Murdoch Has Proven He Cannot Be Trusted

Has Rupert Murdoch Ever Spied On A World Government For Another

Report: Rupert Murdoch Blackmailed The British Prime Minister

Mr. Murdoch, Your Viagra Prescription Is Ready

Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal Runs Way Deeper Than They Are Admitting

The Boyfriend Of Tiger Woods Ex-Wife Dated His Mistress

Elin Nordegren and Tiger Woods before their sad divorce

It is being reported, Jamie Dingman, the wealthy financier boyfriend of Tiger Woods’ ex-wife, Elin Nordegren, dated one of the mistresses that led to the demise of her marriage to the professional golfer, which ended in divorce.

Elin Nordegren and Jamie Dingman

Rachel Uchitel, is said to have dated Dingman, along with a host of other rich and famous men. The claims have reportedly upset Nordegren, who was photographed kissing Dingman. Though her divorce to Woods was made final months ago, the paparazzi continue to follow her.

Rachel Uchitel

Uchitel seems to be enjoying the negative attention from this recent story, as her tell-alls and continued press appearances, in the face of what is a shameful scandal, makes her just like all the other opportunistic mistresses that caused the divorce.