Friday, April 23, 2010

Lindsay Lohan's Home Visited By Cops And Dad

Lindsay Lohan

The apartment of former child star, Lindsay Lohan, was visited by sheriffs and her dad, Michael, to check on her welfare and that of her 16-year-old sister, Ali, who is considered a minor under U.S. law.

Ali Lohan

Lohan has cut her dad out of her life, opting to listen to her destructive mother's delusional advice, to her own detriment. Lohan took her sister to the largely adult Coachella festival and stands accused of speeding home with the minor in the car, going in excess of 100 miles per hour.

Michael Lohan

As his parental rights were not terminated, he has a right to intervene through law enforcement, if he believes any of his children are in danger. Lohan's dad seeks to place her in rehab for drug and alcohol addiction, but she has stubbornly refused and continues on a downward spiral.

Dina Lohan

It is quite bizarre and troubling that Lohan's mother Dina, opposes this course of action sought by her ex-husband, as Lindsay clearly continues to abuse hard drugs, pharmaceutical meds and liquor, which if she is not careful, will claim her life.

Dina and Lindsay Lohan in their hotel room stocked with drugs and alcohol (highlighted), as Lindsay posed topless (blacked out)

A judge needs to question Dina on her conduct, as she is behaving like an unfit mother. She has taken both underage Ali and Lindsay to adult night clubs on school nights, which is really reckless and encouraged Lindsay's state of denial regarding her lack of sobriety and employment.