Reports originally indicated the attorney for, Lil Wayne, requested the pint-sized rapper be placed in protective custody in the Riker's Island prison, where he currently bends sits on gun charges he was convicted of this month. However, some reports now claim he is in the general population, which is unwise.
Therefore, is Lil Wanye's modesty safe in prison. I wonder how many dudes are singing love songs to Lil Wayne in prison when the lights go down, scaring him through his cell. Is he safe in the shower? What will happen to him if he does accidentally drop the soap? Will he be cornered in the prison yard? Will his reputed connection to the Bloods street gang protect him or are they outnumbered?
And the moral of the story is, do not carry illegal guns. Leave the security up to the professional, licensed bodyguards. It is not worth your freedom...or modesty.