Memphis Depay and Karrueche
Karrueche Tran, 27, the ex-girlfriend of bipolar singer,
Chris Brown, 26, has been on secret dates with Manchester United
football star, Memphis Depay, 21. Tran kept the dates secret for
fear of Brown lashing out, as he is very jealous when it comes
to men trying to date her, after she dumped him on Twitter for
Thus far, Brown and his gang banger friends in the Bloods
street gang have publicly threatened supermodel, Tyson Beckford
and actor/singer, Marques Houston, for taking photos with Tran
that appeared on Instagram. Brown has done his best to scare off
men from Tran in some incidents she knows about and others she
does not, as people were warned to not publicly say anything.
When Brown heard bisexual Tran was dating singer, Christina
Milian, who has dissed him for cheating on her, he shrugged it
off. When Brown heard rumors of Tran dating Depay, he tried to
console himself in stating “Karrueche doesn’t like d**k."
However, she did go on romantic dates with Depay. She wanted to
see if he would make a commitment and if the relationship would
go somewhere. She kept it quiet due to Brown's temper.
Do remember, months ago Brown stalked Tran to three places,
then showed up at her house, bang on her locked door for several
minutes while yelling, to the point the neighbors called police
due to the noise disturbance and for fear of his growing temper.
If Brown finds out she is actually dating Depay he will blow her
house up (LOL). It would be Kentucky Fried Karrueche.
Chris Brown
Brown still views Tran as his girlfriend and is reacting to
male attention towards her the way a man would someone trying to
steal the woman he is dating. Brown has not accepted the end of
their relationship and is hoping for a reconciliation (even
though he is still messing with other women, in deeds that upset
You don't travel from London, where you are making a paid
appearance, all the way to Manchester up north, which is hours
away, just to hang out with a male friend. You do that when you
are dating someone you are trying to spend time with in getting
to know the person better (and Tran has the right to do that).
Depay must be glad Brown hasn't been able to get a visa to
Britain (LOL).