Thursday, November 10, 2011

Is President Obama Jealous Of The Attention Herman Cain Is Getting During Campaigning

Barack Obama

With allegations surfacing that U.S. President Barack Obama is behind the sexual harassment smear campaign against Republican, Herman Cain, the Judiciary Report must ask, is the Commander-in-Chief jealous of his rival (yes, I'm totally trying to get under Obama's skin with this, but shhh, don't tell him).

Hermain Cain

While sexual harassment allegations are serious, the Judiciary Report is not yet convinced regarding the claims being made against Cain by one of President Obama's employees, Karen Kraushaar and in another incident, Sharon Bialek, who was previously spotted hugging him and whispering into his ear at a hotel, during a political gathering. Was Obama upset with Cain's new found fame and popularity with the American public, viewing him as a threat to his presidency. Is Obama scared of the "godfather" (the name of the pizza chain Cain once co-owned).


Obama Accused Of Orchestrating Sexual Harassment Smear Campaign Against Rival Herman Cain

Kris Humphries Parents Are Angry With Kim Kardashian For Dumping Their Son And In A Terrible Manner

Kim Kardashian looking angry over the public turning on her

William Humphries and Debra Humphreies, the parents of NBA athlete, Kris Humphries, are angry with his reality TV star wife, Kim Kardashian, for dumping their son after a mere two months of marriage, illustrating how fickle she is as a person and wife.

William Humphries stated of Kardashian in Life And Style magazine, "There was never a discussion about it. It just came out of nowhere and blindsided Kris. How could someone do that? Kris was completely surprised. The news was already published before he found out!"

Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries

The scenario that unfolded in this case is not something any ethical parent would want for their child, as it turns marriage into a joke and brings public scrutiny and ridicule. Kardashian should have seen this international backlash coming and spared everyone the pain.


NBC Owns The Kardashians In A Painfully Accurate Spoof That Has Become A Viral Hit

Kim Kardashian Is Still Being Slammed For Filing For Divorce From Her Husband Of Two Months

Kim Kardashian Is Being Labeled The Bad Guy In Her Abrupt Divorce From Kris Humphries

Publicity Hungry Kim Kardashian Announces She Has Filed For Divorce From Kris Humphries

Kim Kardashian Doesn't Like Minnesota

Kim Kardashian And Her Butt Are Getting Married Today

Is Kim Kardashian Ready For Children

Kim Kardashian Wedding To Be Screened On TV For Four Hours

The Kardashians Slam The Obamas For Slamming Them

Obama Implies The Kardashians Are Liars

The Obamas Dislike The Kardashians Reality Shows And Do Not Want Their Daughters Watching Them

Obama Accused Of Orchestrating Sexual Harassment Smear Campaign Against Rival Herman Cain

Barack Obama

According to the New York Post, U.S. President Barack Obama, is behind the massive sexual harassment smear campaign that has been initiated against Republican rival, Herman Cain, who has become the most popular black politician in America. Cain denies all the allegations.

Herman Cain

One of Cain’s main accusers, a woman named, Karen Kraushaar, is a member of the Obama Administration. That’s right. She’s on Obama’s payroll, which is creating credibility issues that are being filed under a conflict of interest. It was also discovered she has repeatedly filed sexual harassment claims for compensation against several people, with different employers. Cain’s first accuser, Sharon Bialek, has been discredited as a woman that came on to him at a hotel. There is reportedly another woman accusing Cain of sexual harassment, but she is anonymous at this time.

Karen Kraushaar

The Judiciary Report does not seek to make it difficult for women in society filing legitimate sexual harassment claims, by automatically siding with the public figure being accused, as sometimes the claims against prominent people really are credible. For example, the site does believe the longstanding allegations of sexual harassment against Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas. The site also believes claims against other public figures, such as actor Steven Seagal.

Sharon Bialek

However, regarding the current allegations against Cain, more information is needed. There are discrepancies in the women’s stories that need to be explored in greater detail to get an accurate view of what really transpired. Right now there’s a lot of "he said, she said."


One woman who accused Cain of sexual harassment now works for Obama

Rupert Murdoch And News Corp Hired Private Investigators To Spy On Lawyers And Their Young Children In The Hacking Scandal

Rupert Murdoch, Wendi Murdoch and their daughters

The latest appalling detail to come out of the News Corp phone hacking scandal reveals, the company and its CEO, Rupert Murdoch, hired private investigators to secretly spy on the lawyers (solicitors) representing victims of phone hacking and hacking. One of the lawyers underage kids was spied on and filmed as well.

This nastiness and morally repugnant approach to business is emblematic of how Rupert Murdoch and News Corp do business and it is sick. Murdoch should be thankful it is a lawyer with a view of the law, as men have beat others for less concerning their underage daughters.

The site is not encouraging violence, as it is wrong, but laying out the facts, regarding this sick company that so likes to violate and provoke innocent people to anger. Bad enough stalking and filming adults, why were you filming people's underage children.

Did nothing within you stop for one moment and think, "This is wrong. I should not do this." Are you that evil. You do realize that in certain places of the world, a cop sees you lingering around minors and secretly filming them and you would get arrested for being a sexual predator.

I greatly dislike this emphasis News Corp has on violating the privacy and rights of minors, deceased and living. After all, News Corp was outed this year for criminally hacking the phone of children, who were murder victims, sending police investigations in the wrong direction. There’s a serious problem there why this keeps happening. News Corp has a sick fixation with spying on kids. Murdoch wouldn’t like it if some grubby, lawbreaking, morally challenged private investigator invaded the privacy of his preteen daughters and filmed them everywhere they went.

Side Bar: By the way, I heard from a very reliable source that Murdoch’s third wife Wendi wants to divorce him, as she cannot take the disgrace and public anger being heaped on the family over the terrible phone hacking and hacking scandal.


News of the World hired investigators to spy on hacking victims' lawyers

No end to damning News Corp revelations


Britain's Prime Minister And Australian Politicians Denounce Rupert Murdoch And News Corp

British Police Arrest Another Rupert Murdoch/News Corp Journalist In Phone Hacking Scandal

Rupert Murdoch Is Being Investigated By The Government For Using 'Mafia Tactics' On Rivals

Rupert Murdoch's News Corp Is Under Investigation For Computer Hacking And Corporate Theft

Police Widen Rupert Murdoch News Corp Criminal Probe To Include Computer Hacking

Senator Demands FBI Investigate Rupert Murdoch For Hacking Rival & Stealing Their Copyrights

Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp Spying On People With Drones

Judge Orders One Of Rupert Murdoch Hackers To Disclose All Evidence

Rupert Murdoch Executive Admitted To Bribing The Metropolitan Police (Video)

The FBI Corruptly Granted "Sovereign Immunity" In The Aisha v. FBI Case

Rupert Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Crimes

Madonna's Connection To Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal

Wall Street Protestors March Outside The Home Of Greedy CEOs Such As News Corp's Rupert Murdoch

James Murdoch To Be Recalled To The British Parliament In November 2011 Over Lying In Previous Hearing

Rupert Murdoch Defames Australia’s Prime Minister Then Retracts It After Legal Threat

Industry Rumors Are Rife That Beyonce Knowles Is Not Really Pregnant

Beyonce Knowles

Rumors are rife in the entertainment industry that singer Beyonce Knowles, is not really pregnant, but is pretending for publicity, whilst using a surrogate. As much as I completely dislike Knowles' thieving behavior in stealing from and stepping on others to gain ill-gotten fame and wealth, I was hoping she would not go this far for publicity in pretending to be pregnant, after her "4" album became the first flop of her career.

The baby the internet created of Beyonce and husband Jay-Z known as Jayonce

However, many industry people are saying she is not pregnant and a very reliable source is claiming Knowles is not pregnant at all. How could she lie like that, especially about something so serious. Is she that scared of Jayonce, as seen on a number of websites.


Beyonce Knowles Is Reportedly Having A Girl

Report: Beyonce Knowles’ Real Dad Is Not Mathew Knowles

The Wendy Williams Show Further Exposes The Fact That Beyonce Knowles' Baby Bump Is Suspect

Website Bolsters Claim Beyonce Knowles Is Using A Surrogate Via Her Former Pregnant Personal Assistant

Beyonce's Baby Bump Suspiciously Shifts, Folds, Bends And Creases During Television Interview

Reeling From The Failure Of Her Current CD Beyonce Is Ill-Advisedly Rushing Back Into The Studio And While Pregnant

Jealous Jay-Z Acts Like Rihanna Is His Wife While Beyonce Sufferers Fake Pregnancy Rumors

Beyonce Steals Again But This Time From Sam Cooke, En Vogue & A European Artist

Report: Jay-Z's Sex Partner Rihanna Wants To Fire Him As Her Manager

One Of Jay-Z's Sex Partners Insults His Wife Beyonce On Twitter

The FBI Corruptly Granted "Sovereign Immunity" In The Aisha v. FBI Case

Is Jay-Z Cheating On Beyonce Again

Beyonce's Dad Sues For Being Fired Over Stealing From Her

Beyonce Knowles Settles Copyright Infringement Case

Producer: Beyonce Stole Credit For Bootylicious

Beyonce Keeps Stealing From The Braxton Family

Sony Music Making Excuses For Beyonce's Album Flopping

Beyonce's New Album Flops

Beyonce Sued For Racketeering

Madonna Leaks New Song And No One Cares

...And Is Having More Plastic Surgery


Desperate, jacked up media whore and perpetual thief, Madonna, leaked a track to the internet yesterday, believing it would create a buzz for her forthcoming, soon to flop CD. However, the song was largely ignored by the internet and panned by those that bothered to download the piece of trash. Madonna's plan of becoming Grandma Gaga is backfiring already.

The world has moved on, but she clearly has not. It will be amusing reading pop culture blogs and entertainment news sites with Madonna's paid for, placed posts, featuring her tripping all over herself trying to outdo Lady Gaga and others in said genre.

Right before each album, Madonna, like a certain other singer, gets plastic surgery done (but she looks worse each time). It's hilarious watching her knocking herself out in trying to fool the world that she is 21 (Photoshop, CGI, NASA). She needs to let it go already, because she is making a fool of herself. She looks older than her age, yet is dressed like a teenager. Explain that. She makes Lindsay Lohan look like a fresh faced fetus.


Madonna Is Trying To Destroy Lady Gaga's Career By Siphoning Off Her Team

British Police Arrest Another Rupert Murdoch/News Corp Journalist In Phone Hacking Scandal

Rupert Murdoch Is Being Investigated By The Government For Using 'Mafia Tactics' On Rivals

After Robbing And Exploiting Blacks In The US And Africa Why Is Madonna Headlining The Super Bowl Half Time Show In The Predominately Black NFL

Madonna Fraudulent Charity For Africa Squanders Millions On Big Salaries & Luxury Items For Greedy Kabbalah Members

Confirmed: Kabbalah Is Under Criminal Investigation

Report: Kabbalah Cult Under Grand Jury Investigation

Madonna Slams Lady Gaga For Crazy Conduct She Encouraged

Madonna Booed In London At The Premiere Of Her Copyright Infringing Film “We”

Man Sues Madonna And Kabbalah For Theft While Stating Demi Moore And Ashton Kutcher Are Not Really Married

The FBI Corruptly Granted "Sovereign Immunity" In The Aisha v. FBI Case

Rupert Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Crimes

Madonna's Connection To Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal

Newsweek Outs Madonna As The Criminal Behind Kabbalah

Poll States Americans Are Very Dissatisfied With Obama's Handling Of The U.S. Economy

Barack Obama

A recent poll written about on Reuters indicates, an overwhelming majority of Americans are very dissatisfied with President Barack Obama's handling of the U.S. economy, which is in a recession that became a depression . It's been three years and President Obama has not been able to effectively reverse the damage caused by former President, George W. Bush, adding additional debt of his own, with less than a year left until the next presidential election.


Voters disappointed with Obama over economy: poll


Tide Turns Against Obama As 70% Of Americans Blame Him For The Poor Economy

Statistics Brand Barack Obama The Worst Job Creation President Since The Great Depression

Movement Among Democrats To Find Challenger To Run Against President Obama In 2012

Gallup Poll: Any Republican Would Beat Obama If The Presidential Election Was Held Today

Obama's Poll Numbers Implode Into Disaster

When It Comes To Debt The Obama Administration Has The Mindset Of Gamblers

Rivals Use Bad Economy As Primary Tool In Their Bid To Oust President Obama

Billionaire Tells Obama To Resign Over The Economy

America's National Deficit Increased An Unprecedented 35% Under President Obama

A Majority Of Americans Feel They Were Better Off Before President Obama

Officials Officially Pronounce Obama's Stimulus A Massive Failure That Added Billions To The National Debt

Obama Calls For Job Summit

Artificial Growth

Artificial Growth - Part 2

Justin Bieber Calls Woman Accusing Him Of Impregnating Her 'A Ridiculous Liar'

Justin Bieber

The Bieber is mad and he's not gonna take it anymore. Tired of allegations he fathered the 4-month-old son of 20-year-old fan Mariah Yeater a year ago, 16-year-old pop star, Justin Bieber has slammed his accuser by stating, "She is a ridiculous liar. She's not worth talking about" (source: the Mirror). Ouch!

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez (Photo Credit: Flynet)

Yeater certainly will not take that well, as she proclaims herself a fan and is quite obsessed with the underage star. In the mean time, Bieber continues making appearances in Europe with his actress girlfriend, Selena Gomez, who is upset over Yeater's embarrassing claims. It led to rumors she had dumped the singer, which they are attempting to refute.

Mariah Yeater and son Trystin (Photo Credit: Erotome)

Bieber has stated his intention is to sue Yeater after he takes a paternity test in December regarding her son. Yeater has been making money off paid interviews that Bieber's lawyers will go after, in what they will seek to label damages and to recoup legal fees regarding this matter.


New Photos Released Of The Woman Justin Bieber Allegedly Impregnated Make Her Look Mentally Unwell

Justin Bieber Sued For Paternity And Child Support Over Alleged Back Stage Sexual Encounter

Lawyers For The Woman Accusing Justin Bieber Of Impregnating Her Backstage Insist They Have 'Credible Evidence'

What Did Justin Bieber Say When He Heard He Impregnated A Fan Backstage At A Concert?

Megan Fox Spotted Without Her Wedding Ring And It Leads To Rumors She Is Splitting From Her Husband

Megan Fox (Photo Credit: Flynet)

Former "Transformers" actress, Megan Fox, has been spotted out without her wedding ring this week, which has led to rumors she is splitting from husband, actor, Brian Austin Green. This probably made most male bloggers happy, but here's hoping that's not the case regarding her marriage.

People are tired of celebrities using marriage for publicity, only to abandon their unions in record time (see Kim Kardashian, Nicky Hilton, Usher, Renee Zellwegger). Fox and Green have been together for several years, marrying a year and a half ago in Hawaii. Fox is stepmother to Green's son Kassius.


Megan Fox To Hit Broadway In A Play

The Way Hollywood Actress Megan Fox Is Standing In This Picture Reminds Me Of That Old Rap Song...

Megan Fox Had More Cosmetic Work Done Again

Megan Fox Had Sex With Shia LaBeouf

Thought Megan Fox Couldn't Take A Bad Picture, Well Guess Again!

Plastic Surgeons Call Megan Fox A Liar Over Botox Claims

Megan Fox Lying About Not Having Work Done


Have Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green Split?