No Red Carpet Treatment For Obama

When the Chinese saw Air Force One
pulling up on the runway they said roll up the mat! It's a
wonder they gave him any stairs.
Once again it continues regarding "How The World Fell Out Of Love With Obama."
U.S. President Barack Obama went to China last week
for G20 talks
and it did not go well.
The Guardian newspaper in London is reporting
President Obama was not given a red carpet reception in
China, while his global counterparts were, such as British PM
Theresa May. China, exasperated by Obama's antagonistic behavior
regarding trade, the military and the South China Sea, knows his time in office is almost up and
are focusing on new world leaders such as May to forge
relationship with in the world. China, a nation that has
invested over $1 trillion dollars in America, is also paying
close attention to the current presidential election between
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, in reference to future
diplomatic talks.
Last week Obama
hypocritically lectured the Chinese on human rights (never
mind he has wars running in the Middle East, which
constitute human rights abuses). Obama took particular issue
with what he deems a lack of free speech in the
Chinese press. Obama’s speech was downright hypocritical and
comical to journalists and bloggers in America, who are
routinely harassed, threatened and hit with unlawful and
underhanded financial punishments from the IRS and Google Ads
on his orders, for daring to criticize the policies of His Royal
Excellency Supreme Overlord Ruler, Barack Obama.

British prime minister Theresa May and chancellor
Philip Hammond received the full red carpet welcome in China
last week
Obama unlawfully extended his abuses into
Britain, engaging the FBI and CIA to illegally terrorize
British journalists and their families, for exposing his
criminal behavior in the press. Obama then proceeded to
threaten the British people about the Brexit vote, which
caused the populace to do the exact opposite of what the
erstwhile visiting dictator demanded.
There has never been a
U.S. president who so opposed free speech and free press, as
Barack Obama. He is a narcissistic megalomaniac who pays
more attention to his press clippings than the skyrocketing national
deficit. Just ask journalist
Sharyl Attkisson. Her story is just the
tip of the iceberg on how far Obama is willing to go to
destroy the finances and rights of those who peacefully and
lawfully criticize his political policies on television,
online and in the newspapers.
Barack Obama 'deliberately snubbed' by Chinese in chaotic arrival at G20
Barack Obama 'deliberately snubbed' by Chinese in chaotic arrival at G20
Sunday 4 September 2016 03.27 EDT - The US
president was denied the usual red carpet welcome and forced
to ‘go out of the a*s’ of Air Force One, observers say.
Barack Obama forced to exit from ‘a*s’ of Air Force One
China’s leaders have been accused of delivering a calculated
diplomatic snub to Barack Obama after the US president was
not provided with a staircase to leave his plane during his
chaotic arrival in Hangzhou before the start of the G20.
Chinese authorities have rolled out the
red carpet for leaders including India’s prime minister,
Narendra Modi, the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, the
South Korean president, Park Geun-hye, Brazil’s president,
Michel Temer, and the British prime minister, Theresa May,
who touched down on Sunday morning. But the leader of the
world’s largest economy, who is on his final tour of Asia,
was forced to disembark from Air Force One through a
little-used exit in the plane’s belly after no rolling
staircase was provided when he landed in the eastern Chinese
city on Saturday afternoon.
When Obama did find his way on to a red
carpet on the tarmac below there were heated altercations
between US and Chinese officials, with one Chinese official
caught on video shouting: “This is our country! This is our
airport!” “The reception that President Obama and his staff
got when they arrived here Saturday afternoon was bruising,
even by Chinese standards,” the New York Times reported.
Jorge Guajardo, Mexico’s former ambassador to China, said he
was convinced Obama’s treatment was part of a calculated
snub. “These things do not happen by mistake. Not with the
Chinese,” Guajardo, who hosted presidents Enrique Peña Nieto
and Felipe Calderón during his time in Beijing, told the
“I’ve dealt with the Chinese for six
years. I’ve done these visits. I took Xi Jinping to Mexico.
I received two Mexican presidents in China. I know exactly
how these things get worked out. It’s down to the last
detail in everything. It’s not a mistake. It’s not.”
Guajardo added: “It’s a snub. It’s a way of saying: ‘You
know, you’re not that special to us.’ It’s part of the new
Chinese arrogance. It’s part of stirring up Chinese
nationalism. It’s part of saying: ‘China stands up to the
superpower.’ It’s part of saying: ‘And by the way, you’re
just someone else to us.’ It works very well with the local
“Why [did it happen]?” the former diplomat, who
was ambassador from 2007 until 2013, added. “I guess it is
part of Xi Jinping playing the nationalist card. That’s my
guess.” Bill Bishop, a China expert whose Sinocism
newsletter tracks the country’s political scene, agreed that
Obama’s welcome looked suspiciously like a deliberate slight
intended “to make the Americans look diminished and weak”...