Tweet on Twitter.com by documentary filmmaker Dinesh
D'Souza, regarding Obama corruptly meddling in the FBI/DOJ
criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton with the intent
of corruptly destroying it.
Many experts have revealed their view the
FBI is too corrupt to indict Hillary Clinton. Mainstream
global and U.S. newspapers have published their view Clinton
has broken the law but is, "Too big to jail." The Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Department of Justice
(DOJ) tend to not arrest well known people, which is why
many Hollywood celebrities behave so terribly, harming
members of the public. It's absolutely corrupt.

Tweets on Twitter.com by documentary filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza
As it stands, Clinton willfully violated
government rules in keeping a private email server and had
it maintained with such poor security, she clearly believed
she is "too big to" hack. However, that's exactly what
happened. American national secrets were hacked by the
communist block and passed around among them.

Hillary Clinton tweet on Twitter.com has been thoroughly mocked by the public and the press, as hypocritical in light of her unlawful behavior, condemned by the State Department's Inspector General

Public feedback calling Clinton a hypocrite
Clinton was really reckless to think the
communist block wouldn't hack her computers. After all, she
has ordered the computers and telephones of domestic and
foreign officials be hacked on a regular basis. She has
repeatedly received illegal surveillance data, from the time
she hired crooked, now incarcerated private investigator,
Anthony Pellicano to unlawfully spy on people in sick ways,
to her time at the State Department when she arrogantly
spied on the United Nations (in what became a global
scandal) and members of Congress.
Could Hillary Clinton really be indicted over her emails?
Could Hillary Clinton really be indicted over her emails?
Friday 10 June 2016 06.00 EDT - Did Hillary
Clinton do the wrong thing when she used a private email
server while secretary of state from 2009 to 2013? Yes. She
herself has admitted that it was a mistake. A recent report
by the state department inspector general found that she
broke multiple rules despite repeated warnings to use
official communications methods that would ensure her emails
were stored and kept safe from hackers.
Did she break the law? As an FBI
investigation continues, expert opinion is divided. Some
offer a view reminiscent of Bill Clinton’s famous remark
that he experimented with marijuana but “didn’t inhale”. “I
believe Clinton did break the law but at the same time I
don’t think there’s evidence she committed a crime,” says
Douglas Cox, associate professor at City University of New
York School of Law.
It is a violation of federal records law to
remove or destroy material, Cox notes, although Clinton “in
part” fixed this by returning thousands of emails. More
important in assessing whether a crime was committed is the
question of intent, Cox says. “While there were warnings and
memos that she should have been aware of, from a prosecution
side they would need to prove her knowledge and intent and
have evidence of that to bring before a jury.”...