Madonna has always been jealous of talented
stars, such as Prince, Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston. Madonna initiated nasty disputes with each of them, issuing
mean spirited, jealous comments, with details from some of
the incidents seeping out into the public domain. It's
amazing how self-deluded some people can be. Madonna has no
talent, yet is constantly warring with entertainers who have
an abundance of talent, jealous they have great gifts for
their craft, as Prince, Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston
so prominently displayed.
Madonna made nasty comments about Celine
Dion and Mariah Carey as well, over their singing abilities
that attracted a significant amount of public attention.
Madonna also resented the attention fans bestowed upon Prince, Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston. Madonna
tried to date Prince and Michael Jackson, but when they
realized the terrible type of person she is, they backed
away from her. Michael Jackson stated Madonna was always
jealous of the manner in which fans cry and faint at his concerts.
hated Jackson's status as the biggest pop star on the planet.
However, even in death, Jackson still easily surpasses Madonna.
Madonna resented Prince's immense musical
talents and the fact he just did not want to have her in his
life anymore, after they dated and worked together. Prince
even rolled his eyes during a Madonna performance years ago,
which was caught on camera. After working with her in the
studio under contract and actually hearing her real voice, Prince branded Madonna untalented and desperate for
publicity. Prince was a private man, who did not pursue
publicity in the way Madonna repeatedly does, so she was not someone he
wanted around all the time.

Prince also prided himself on being nice, when
Madonna is known to have a nasty mean streak that surfaces
out of nowhere. People don't want that kind of nasty
negativity around them. Madonna also kept pursing Prince
with her crazy Kabbalah cult, even in the last days of his
life. Earlier in his career, Madonna had Prince convinced he
was Italian (as she is), which he later found out is not
true. Prince is actually black with French Creole ancestry
based in Louisiana.
Since the time of Prince's tragic death last
month, Madonna and her self-proclaimed Hollywood Illuminati,
the Kabbalah cult, have been making plans on the 2,000
unreleased songs he left behind, with no will found. People
in the industry have been talking about it, as her behavior
is like that of a vulture.
In the 1990s, Madonna asked her label to
arrange a public date with Michael Jackson, when she was
trying to leech of his fame. Due to the fact Jackson would
not have sex with her on the date, Madonna went around
Hollywood slamming him as "gay" and childish. Madonna mocked
him in terrible ways. Madonna set out to humiliate him in
front of his peers for sexually rejecting her, which was
petty and pathetic. She also resented Jackson's fame, which
was at its height in the 1980s, on a level Madonna never

Michael Jackson and Madonna
Madonna hated Whitney Houston due to her
voice and beauty that enthralled the public. Beginning in
the 1980s, Houston was called "the Voice" due to
her exceptional singing abilities. Houston's voice was quite
rare and blew the public away. Madonna could never sing and hated
Houston for it. Madonna's hatred grew even more when her
ex-boyfriend, Kevin Costner, pursued Houston for a movie,
branding her the prettiest singer in the world. Costner had
dumped Madonna (many men have done so) who became jealous at
how well he treated Houston.
Costner offered Houston the lead role in the
1992 movie "The Bodyguard" which went on to become a massive
box office hit and the best selling soundtrack of all time.
Madonna had heard about the film in production and asked
Houston to back away from it and Costner.
It ticked Madonna off no end, as she wanted to become a
bigger pop star and was attempting to be an actress, but
failed miserably at it. Madonna also became jealous over
Costner's statements about Houston, believing he had a crush
on beautiful Whitney, who was dating Bobby Brown, then
married him.
And so what if Costner had a crush on
Houston. America is a free country. People can like whomever
they want to and spend time with them. It's nobody else's
business. Madonna confronted Houston over Costner's
flattering public statements (about Houston) and the actor having given her
the lead role in the hit film, to which Whitney
sarcastically stated, "Kevin says hi" and walked off.
Houston was not a fan of Madonna, branding her creepy and a
stalker, for tracking her down and confronting her over "The
Bodyguard" (a role that was never Madonna's to begin with)
and Costner, who had dumped her (Madonna). Madonna targeted
Houston during and after production on the film, approaching
her like a jealous crazy person. Madonna complained to
Costner about it as well.

Whitney Houston
I've learned through Madonna's crazy
Kabbalah Center stalking and approaching me on a regular
basis over my copyrights that Madonna is a madwoman that thinks everything
is hers, was meant to be hers, she should own everything and
it's a cosmic mistake if someone else ends up with things
she covets. So much so, it leads to
copyright infringement and in other incidents
commissioned criminal behavior that constitutes
hate crimes, assault and
criminal copyright infringement (Hollywood allowed
the thieving trash Madonna to take over the industry and to
its detriment, as sales are in the toilet).
People in the industry have stated Madonna
thought Costner should have offered her the lead role in
"The Bodyguard" and that she blamed Houston for
"stealing" the role from her. However, the role was never
Madonna's for Houston to "steal" it and Costner had a right
to offer it to anyone he saw fit for the part. As a
songwriter or moviemaker, you want the absolute best talent
for your work, as it can make it that much better. Costner
made the right choice giving the part and song remake of "I
Will Always Love You" to Houston.
I can't think of anyone who would have been
a better fit for the movie. Houston was the right person at
the right time for the project. Costner's good looks and
acting ability, combined with Houston's beauty, talent and
stage presence were a perfect match. It was very believable.
They created a great piece of cinema.

Whitney Houston
Had Madonna starred in "The Bodyguard" the
movie would have been a massive flop. Firstly, Madonna is
not attractive and has no presence on screen (never mind she
thinks she's some great beauty like Megan Fox). Secondly,
Madonna cannot act or sing. Can you imagine
Madonna trying to sing "I Will Always Love You"
which is the song
Costner brought to Houston and asked her to record as the
theme song for "The Bodyguard." Madonna would have missed
every single note in the song and screeched out a terrible
rendition of "I Will Always Love You" that would make dogs
run for cover.
Madonna is not a real singer. Madonna is
known for having background singers in the studios sing her
lead vocal parts as well, then producers and engineers turn
down her lead vocals, while making theirs more prominent
during the mix, to hide the fact she can't sing. It's
one big scam. And the records still show she's a weak,
marginal singer.
"The Bodyguard" movie was not the first time
Madonna went around terrorizing a movie maker. Madonna
stalked, harassed and threatened Academy Award winning
director, John Schlesinger, who blamed her terrible
behavior for the heart attack that killed him. Madonna
harassed him into casting her in the film "The Next Best
Thing." Schlesinger, should not have been working with trash
like Madonna. She is untalented, unprofessional and evil.

"The Bodyguard"
Madonna, who knows nothing about filmmaking,
took over the set, began making crazy demands and threats in
dictating how the film should go, sending the director a
barrage of insane, menacing faxes and telephone messages on
a weekly basis. Madonna likes to insanely commandeer
people's projects and turn them into crap. It is the
equivalent of a crazy, screeching, hyperactive monkey taking
a paintbrush to a Picasso.
When the released film "The Next Best Thing"
was trashed by critics due to Madonna's profound lack of
talent and the neurotic mess she injected into the project,
she sent the director even more menacing threats and abuse
via an excessive stream of faxes and telephone messages that
prominently display her mental derangement. She did the same
thing to the director of another flopped film she starred
in, "Body Of Evidence."
Madonna is certifiably crazy, as she can't
sing, dance or act, but has displayed this raging jealousy
and ill will towards genuine singers and musicians with
talent, whom she deems has or will usurp her. However, what
is there to usurp. Madonna is untalented and made a career
out of thievery. She was never in contention to be the best
entertainer. Thus far, world history records Michael Jackson
as the top entertainer. Elvis, the Beatles, Whitney Houston,
Barbara Streisand, Mariah Carey and Celine Dion have also
passed Madonna in every way. Madonna looks like a raging
psychopath going around harassing, terrorizing and
abusing people.

"The Bodyguard"
Bombarding unwilling people with threading,
abusive emails, faxes, texts and telephone messages (as
Madonna does) is behavior psychiatrists associate with
deranged stalkers. Madonna keeps doing this to various
people, as she has severe mental disorders. Madonna keeps
bothering people who do not like her. Only crazy people do
such things.
Madonna is a stalker. When former boyfriend,
Dennis Rodman dumped her, she began targeting his new love
interest, Carmen Elektra, whom the basketball player later
married. When Madonna began pursuing a then aspiring
director, Guy Ritchie, she began stalking and harassing his
then girlfriend, Tania Strecker. Now that Ritchie has
married someone else after ditching Madonna, she (Madonna)
has begun stalking his new wife Jacqui Ainsley (Newspaper Reports Madonna Has Hired Private Investigator To
Stalk Guy Ritchie, His New Wife And The Couple’s Children
Confirming Previous Site Claims). Learn to leave
people alone.
Madonna’s Rabbi Yehuda Berg Sued For Sexual Assault And Threatening
To Beat And Kill Student At The Kabbalah Center For Not Having Sex
With Him
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Obama's FBI Is Engaging In A Vicious Criminal Pattern Of Abuse And Brutalization Against Innocent Jamaicans
One Of Madonna's Hackers Revealed
Obama's FBI Is Engaging In A Vicious Criminal Pattern Of Abuse And Brutalization Against Innocent Jamaicans - Part 2 (MURDER)
Obama's FBI Is Engaging In A Vicious Criminal Pattern Of Abuse And Brutalization Against Innocent Jamaicans
One Of Madonna's Hackers Revealed