Lee Daniels and his boyfriend. Daniels stole and turned a wholesome, preexisting copyright about the music industry into a debauched, sexually explicit gay show, renaming it "Empire." Daniels additionally infringed items on this widely read website, the Judiciary Report, including them in select episodes of the show.
Previously on the site, I complained about so-called
producer/director Lee Daniels putting real elements of
people's lives in the copyright infringing show "Empire"
stolen from my preexisting
copyrighted catalog (for further reference read:
Hollywood's Ignorant, Racist And Hateful Characterizations Of
Jamaicans). Now he has engaged in another habit that the
main copyright infringer, Madonna, who illegally sold him
the show at a cut rate price, has repeatedly done in this
case regarding me, via placing my name in some of the
infringements (infringing TV shows and movies she stole from
my preexisting copyrighted catalog and sold to business
associates in Hollywood at cut rate prices).
It was recently brought to my attention that one of the
characters on the show "Empire" is named "Camilla." My
middle name is "Kamilah" which is a variant spelling of
"Camilla" in baby name books. Both are pronounced exactly
the same. "Camilla" on "Empire" is played by Naomi Campbell,
who is of Jamaican descent (I'm Jamaican). They did the same
with the "Hit
The Floor" copyright infringement in naming a lead
character "Asha" (My first name is "Aisha" which is a
variant spelling of "Asha").
And here as well.
"Camilla" name meaning
"Asha" name meaning
As stated previously, Daniels also infringed the image
rights of one of my mother's disabled students to create the
movie "Precious" ripping off her life story and image to the
point people in Miami began calling the poor woman
"Precious" (Hollywood's Ignorant, Racist And Hateful Characterizations Of
Jamaicans). It is illegal to use people's lives and images
for projects. Each person has image rights under the law
(right of publicity). There is something very wrong with
Hollywood to be doing these things. It is lazy, uncreative
and sick. It is also very offensive and violating.