Chris Brown
26-year-old singer, Chris Brown, has a
number of stalkers, due to his career in music and looks
that has attracted many female admirers online. Stalkers
often engage in trespassing, which is illegal. A year ago,
stalker Amira Kodcia Ayeb, broke into Brown's home, put on
his clothes and spray painted walls and cabinets with items
proclaiming herself his wife. Never mind Brown is not
In a move psychiatrists associate with
stalkers, Kodcia Ayeb, became jealous of Brown's daughter,
Royalty, throwing out the toddler's clothes and playing
voodoo items around the baby's crib, which is very
disturbing. She also threw out his pets' toys. Psychologists
written in a number of medical papers that stalkers often
become jealous of their target's girlfriend or spouse,
children, parents and pets, as competition for the victim's
Brown's latest stalker, Danielle Patti,
engaged in conduct also associated with stalkers, via
driving to his home and trespassing. Patti waited for the
security gates at Brown's mansion to open, when an
authorized person drove out of the property, then she
quickly drove in without permission. Patti was arrested for
this misconduct. Now Patti is claiming Brown has been
harassing her on social networking and threatened to kill
Patti filed paperwork to obtain a
restraining order against Brown and it was granted, even
though he is a victim of her criminal stalking. Brown has
not handled this matter correctly. He is the one that should
have a restraining order against Patti. However, by lashing
out against her directly on social networking, he has now
broken the law. Brown should have let his lawyer Mark
Geragos handle the matter.
Experts recommended not communicating with
stalkers, as they will deem it validation and encouragement.
This means do not engage them online or in person. Some
psychologists recommend telling a stalker you want nothing
to do with them. However, I've tried this regarding certain
individuals stalking me (Kabbalah
Center) and found it does not work with those who
are schizophrenic and suffering from Erotomania. It's best
to avoid them altogether, but make sure there is proper
documentation of their criminal behavior, making it easier
to pursue legal action for one's own protection. When a
stalker is far gone, they only hear what they want to hear,
no matter how much you tell them no.
Chris Brown Is Threatening to Kill Me ... Alleged Trespasser Claims
Chris Brown Is Threatening to Kill Me ... Alleged Trespasser Claims
3/16/2016 5:55 PM PDT - Chris Brown has
turned the tables on the woman who was arrested for
trespassing at his house -- because now he won't stop
threatening her on social media ... according to her,
anyway. Danielle Patti filed for a temporary restraining
order against Chris, claiming he's repeatedly harassed her
on his social media platforms and said he'd like to see her
dead. She also says they used to date.
Patti is the same woman who ... as we
reported, was arrested in December when she allegedly drove
onto Chris' property and refused to leave. In the docs,
filed by Patti herself, she tells it differently ...
claiming she was trying to leave, but couldn't because
someone parked a car in front of hers. She says Chris called
the cops and she was arrested. She claims she was cleared of
all charges. The judge granted the restraining order --
meaning Chris must stay 100 yards away from Patti and have
no contact with her -- pending a hearing later this month.
We're guessing he'll be cool with that.