Paul Walker
The Porsche motor car company has blamed deceased Hollywood star Paul Walker for his November 2014 death in California, which occurred while riding as a passenger in their Carerra GT model. The late actor's 16-year-old daughter, Meadow Walker, filed a lawsuit in court against Porsche blaming them for his death. The lawsuit alleges the car is unsafe and is capable of traveling at a very high rate of speed not suitable for public roads.
Porsche has filed an answer to the lawsuit blaming Walker for his death, citing the Carerra GT he died in, with friend and race car driver, Roger Rodas, behind the wheel was modified, poorly maintained, "misused" and driven recklessly. I am sorry for Meadow's loss, but to be frank, Porsche's allegations of poor maintenance and misuse, coupled with the fact Rodas was speeding on a public road (not a controlled race course free of objects and unexpected turns in the road) is going to make it difficult for her to win the case.
Porsche is basically indicating Rodas and his estate are culpable in Walker's death. To a degree, they are correct. Road racing in a modified sports car is dangerous. Anyone who participates in such unlawful activities, assumes certain risks, such as the possibility of an untimely death. If Rodas had properly maintained the car and been within the speed limit, this would be a stronger case for the plaintiff.
Film star's fatal crash was his
own fault, accuse car company
Published 17th November 2015 - FAST and Furious star Paul Walker caused his own death in a car crash, Porsche said today. DENIAL: Paul Walker's daughter filed a law suit against porsche.
The luxury auto giant was responding to a lawsuit filed by the actor’s daughter Meadow, claiming wrongful death. It proposed Walker knew the risks he was taking as a passenger in the 2005 Carerra GT, driven by his friend Roger Rodas, who was also killed when the car hit a pole and set alight in November 2013.
Porsche Cars North America added the vehicle had been “altered”, badly maintained, and “misused” – contributing to the actor’s passing at the age of just 40. The court papers said: “Mr Walker’s death, and all other injuries or damages claimed, were the result of Mr Walker’s own comparative fault.” DIFFER: Meadow believes the car hit a top speed of 70 mph, not 90 like the police claim...