Friday, October 30, 2015

Khloe Kardashian Changes Her Mind About Staying With Lamar Odom

Khloe Kardashian covers People magazine

Khloe Kardashian has done an interview with People magazine, which is a complete change from the stories she has been quietly feeding TMZ. Previously, Kardashian gave TMZ stories stating she had called off her divorce to Odom, which was later confirmed as a Los Angeles judge signed the case files indicating it is closed.

Khloe Kardashian

Now all of a sudden Kardashian is telling People magazine that the two are not getting back together, "It's out in the media that we are back together, but I wish people understood that's not in our thought process right now," Kardashian says exclusively in this week's issue of PEOPLE. "There are too many other important things, too many medical things. It's not even in our brains thinking about us as a couple or having a relationship right now."

Lamar Odom and Khloe Kardashian

Reports are circulating that Odom is paralyzed to some degree below the waist (not to mention reckless sexual behavior with prostitutes). As all the Kardashian women care about is money, fame and penis, this would pose a problem. If the several strokes Odom had also took out his penis (impotence, erectile dysfunction), that would send a Kardashian woman running for the exit.