Chris Brown
Singer, Chris Brown, has announced his forthcoming album will be entitled "Royalty" which is the name of his 1-year-old daughter. Brown, who was previously jailed for probation violations stemming from the Rihanna case, resulting in a court order by a judge James Brandlin, compelling the star to submit to examination by a psychiatrist, rendered the official diagnosis that he is suffering from Bipolar disorder, among other psychiatric issues.

Royalty Brown
Brown should continue to see a therapist for the advancement of his mental health. Brown should also continue to actively undergo anger management. Being a parent is rewarding for many, but it requires patience and at times it is not easy, especially coupled with the problems he has in his life pertaining to his career. Both Brown and the mother of his child, Nia Guzman, should work towards complete sobriety in the area of drugs and alcohol, for the sake of their baby. People always make poor choices when they are high. Sobriety is best.