Queen Princess Love
Champion boxer Floyd Mayweather recently dumped one of his girlfriends, a stripper who goes by the name of Queen Princess Love. The Judiciary Report previously stated she was using him for his money, then two weeks later Mayweather discovered she was cheating on him with rapper Ray J (Floyd Mayweather Slams One Of His Girlfriends As 'Garbage'). Mayweather dumped her as a result, but not before wasting tens of thousands of dollars on lavish gifts for a woman, who has shown him nothing but ingratitude and disloyalty.
This week blogs are accusing Queen Princess Love of arranging a burglary at one of Mayweather's mansions she was living in for free. Eight Rolex watches, $10,000 and other items belonging to Mayweather were stolen from the property. Mayweather most likely has insurance, as most men with the type of assets he owns are usually covered by solid, airtight policies.

One of Mayweather's homes that Queen Princess Love
lived in was robbed the night he fought Canelo Alvarez and won
Mayweather needs to be more careful in the future. Not to mention, at the rate he is spending money on various girlfriends, he could go broke - and over what - women who don't care about him, only his money and fame. Mayweather needs to find out who truly cares about him and start weeding out certain folks from his life, before some of them bring him down.

Shantel Jackson and fiancé Floyd Mayweather
As it stands, a few in his circle already know too much about his private business and are untrustworthy. Not stating that to be nasty or make him paranoid, but the Judiciary Report was right about Queen Princess Love and Mayweather has too much money and a very successful career that could be placed in serious jeopardy simply by letting the wrong people into his life. He needs to tighten up his circle. While there are good people out there, there are also unethical ones. Not everyone is your friend.
Queen Princess Love vents on Instagram about
people bringing her down
Princess Love vented on her Instagram account Thursday about people bringing her down, likely as a response to our report published on Wednesday. If you missed it, Larry Brown Sports reported that Princess, who was Floyd Mayweather’s No. 1 side girlfriend, set him up to be robbed the night of his fight with Canelo Alvarez. While investigating the robbery, Mayweather learned about Princess Love’s affair with Ray J. Mayweather later seemed to blast Princess and call her trash in a message he wrote on his Instagram.
. Floyd Mayweather's House Got ROBBED . . . And GUESS WHO They Say SET
HIM UP!!!!
October 10, 2013: Here is a report from the website Larry Brown Sports: A connected source tells Larry Brown Sports that one of Mayweather’s homes was robbed the night of his Sept. 14 fight against Canelo Alvarez. Our source says about eight Rolex watches, close to $10,000 cash, and some other items were stolen from the home. Mayweather owns multiple properties in the Las Vegas area, and we’re told the home that was robbed is where Princess Love was staying.
Princess Love apparently tried pinning the burglary on one of her friends, but Floyd got in contact with that woman. The woman spilled to Floyd that Princess organized the robbery. She also apparently told Floyd that Princess was having an affair with Ray J, which is the first Mayweather learned of the relationship.
How did the woman know about Princess and Ray J hooking up? We’re told she was with Princess in Miami a few months ago, which is when Princess and Ray J began sleeping together. OOOOH SNAP!!!
Floyd Mayweather Set Up by Side Piece?
Thursday, October 10, 2013 - Last week 50 Cent exposed Floyd Mayweather's side chick, Las Vegas stripper Princess Love, for smashing Ray J on the low. Now comes word that Princess may have been behind a robbery at Floyd's house...
Sources tell Larry Brown Sports one of Floyd Mayweather's homes was burglarized on the night of the Canelo Alvarez fight and that Floyd immediately began to suspect Princess. After being confronted Princess allegedly blamed a girlfriend who pinned the caper back on Princess AND told Floyd about Princess and Ray J smashing.
The source claims Princess pulled the same stunt on a former boyfriend who used to leave large stashes of cash at her house. Unfazed by the negative attention Princess instagramed a picture of herself tearing into raw meat with her teeth shortly after the story began to circulate online.