MegaUpload founder, KimDot.com, has been thumbing his nose at the FBI this week, via a new website, Megabox. KimDot.com is going back in business and spitting in the FBI's face, after they illegally raided his home in New Zealand.

KimDot.Com on his private jet
The FBI seized everything he owns, stating he had committed copyright infringement. Well, technically he did via facilitating it, but the FBI violated international law to go after him on Hollywood's behalf, while hypocritically looking the other way to the entertainment industry's chronic criminal copyright infringement.

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller
A judge in New Zealand found the FBI in the wrong, which handed Kim the victory. His latest venture MegaBox is in its initial stages. He is also opening the company up to investors, seeking to pick right back up where he left off before the brazen FBI raid on international soil.