Monday, July 16, 2012

Police Officer Assigned To First Lady Michelle Obama Who Threatened To Kill Her Is Another In A Long Line Of Security Breaches

The Obamas Are Not Safe

First Lady Michelle Obama and President Barack Obama

Last week, a police officer assigned to protect First Lady Michelle Obama, via accompanying her motorcade by bike, was reassigned from his post, after issuing threats regarding how he would kill her and which gun he would use to carry out the assassination. It just goes to show, you never know who's who. A motorcade has proven dangerous in the past. Look at what happened to former President John Kennedy on the street.

First Lady Michelle Obama, President Barack Obama and their daughters Malia Obama (left) and Sasha Obama (right)

The Judiciary Report has maintained for quite sometime that it is not a good idea that President Obama is so wide open when making public appearances. It gives the impression he is not being properly protected. Apparently, neither is his family. This latest incident is just one in a long line of security breaches involving the Obamas.

President Obama and Secret Service agents

From the Secret Service scandal, where prostitutes had access to the president's security information to the Salahis and others getting too close to the First Family in the White House without security clearance or a pass, it says something is wrong. 

Barack Obama to Michelle Obama: you were scared, weren't you
Michelle Obama: No I wasn't. I'm strapped too...
Some think it is good the Obamas are so open when out in public, but when it comes to security for heads of state, the Judiciary Report is of the belief, "It is better to be a live chicken than a dead duck." People could talk smack but my response would be "But I'm alive though (*smirks and holds up peace sign*)..."