Thursday, July 12, 2012

New Information Regarding Usher's Stepson Being Pronounced Brain Dead After Tragic Incident

 Family Friend Ran Over Him With Jet Ski

Kyle Glover, Usher Raymond and Tameka Foster Glover Raymond (Photo Credit: ABC)

More information has been released on the tragic accident that left singer Usher Raymond's 11-year-old stepson, Kyle Glover, brain dead. Raymond was married to Glover's mother Tameka Foster for two years (2007-2009).  According to MTV, a family friend, Jeffrey S. Hubbard, 36, has been named as the individual operating the jet ski that hit Glover and a 15-year-old girl, who were being towed by a boat on Georgia's Lake Lanier.

Tameka Foster Raymond

The young girl suffered a broken arm and sustained a cut on the head, but has since been treated and released. As with any head injury, she will have to be monitored to check for any possible long term side effects. What a terrible tragedy. Foster is now faced with the tough decision of leaving her son on life support as long as the hospital and courts will allow or pulling the plug.   

Usher Raymond and Tameka Foster

Lake Lanier will undoubtedly be sued in some manner or another, as the tragedy took place on their premises. However, the main liability lies with Hubbard, due to his failure to operate the jet ski in a safe and proper manner.