Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Mainstream Media Has A Massive Leaning Towards President Obama

 And It Is Showing In Their Articles

Barack Obama

When reading news articles from the mainstream press, it becomes blatantly obvious that there is a unbalanced leaning towards President Barack Obama, over his opponent, Mitt Romney. Any idea Obama puts forward, even if it fails or adds an unconscionable $5 trillion to the national deficit, is applauded as brilliant, when economists have begun sounding the alarm on these financial matters. 

When any member of the Obama administration gets into trouble, the mainstream media makes excuses for them, even if the accused has engaged in deeds that resulted in mass murder (President Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder Should Have Resigned). 

The mainstream media is supposed to be balanced and objective. Where is the investigative journalism. Only a few mainstream newspapers are asking hard hitting questions regarding this administration gone sour and have been penalized for it by Obama’s cabinet. What about the Constitution, which guarantees free speech and free press. To punish those that seek the truth, which exposes lies, is to spit in the face of democracy.